This Is How You Ruin A Perfectly Good Relationship

Oscar Keys

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by not putting in the effort. By not making it a priority for you. And by not caring as not much as you should.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by not giving it the time it needs to bloom and to grow and to change. You need to have patience in its growth and in its ability to always shift and bend.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by giving up too easily. It’s not always going to be fun and games. It’s not always going to be a walk in the park. Sadly, the honeymoon phase isn’t going to last forever.

Relationships don’t come apart from the occasional unanswered texts or the occasional times when you can’t see the other person. It doesn’t come apart from a bad night of arguing or a day where you need your space.

But it comes apart if you make a habit of not answering. It comes apart when you take the relationship and your partner for granted. It comes apart when you don’t give them 100%. It unravels as soon as you start under appreciating your partner.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by failing to trust your partner at midnight when she or he is at a party without you. You ruin it by snooping in their phone, always wondering if they will find someone better than you.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by naively thinking that this person will stay with you no matter what you do or say. You will ruin it by thinking that this person will be standing by you, while you in the meantime give them no reason to.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by not giving anything back to your partner when they desperately need your compassion. By not lending them ears when they are having a hard time. By not lending them your shoulder to cry on when they are depressed or anxious or blue. You ruin a perfectly good relationship by not caring about what they need and want.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship by hearing what they say and yet, not truly listening to what they mean. You hear them talk and talk, and you shut them out. You nod your head and give them eye contact, and tune them out easier than it should be.

You ruin a perfectly good relationship slowly, but surely.

It doesn’t come undone so quickly. It doesn’t crumble in one night. Feelings can’t die out that quickly. Love doesn’t just go away.

But you will ruin a perfectly good relationship by not loving your partner in the way that they need. You will ruin a perfectly good relationship by expecting too much and giving too little. You will ruin a perfectly relationship by caring too much about yourself and own your needs.

And you ruin a perfectly good relationship by not giving them the wholehearted love that they have begged for you to hand to them since day one. Don’t be that person. Don’t be the one who cares less.

Save it. Save your love and your bond. Love only comes around once in a blue moon. Don’t you dare mess that up. Don’t you dare take great love for granted.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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