Crissy Milazzo

Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.
Articles by
Crissy Milazzo
19 Classic Weird Kids From Your Middle School And Who They Are Now
The kid who: organized M.A.S.H rounds and knew everyone’s crushes, so they set it up so that M.A.S.H was as embarrassing as possible.
Is now the adult who: holds Bachelor viewing parties at their house.
27 Questions Girls Wish They Could Ask Before They Have Sex With You
16. Does it curve?
20 Shamefully Hilarious Thoughts Everyone Has Before And After A One-Night Stand
SPONSORED Contrary to popular belief, one-night stands aren’t limited to one-off sexual encounters with strangers: in reality, the stuff of one-night stands covers everything from unintentionally platonic sleepovers to weird couch make outs.
86 Uncommon Synonyms For Chronically Overused Compliments
7. Pretty: Comely, Dreamy
21 Changes You’ll Experience Between Your 20’s And Your 30’s
You learn how important it is to say “yes!” and “…um, no.”
25 Non-Cheesy Love Songs About Being A F*cking Power Couple
’15 Bonnie & Clyde
What It Really Means To Never Take It Seriously And Never Get Hurt
“If you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.”
10 Unspoken Things Grown Up Daughters Want Their Dads To Know
I’m not naive enough to believe that you’d be proud of all my choices, but I know that you saved my life with your careful (and sometimes intense) warnings.
21 Grandma Things Girls Secretly Want To Do All The Time
“Wear a blanket constantly.”
11 Differences Between Drinking In Your Early 20s Vs. Drinking In Your Late 20s
Late 20s: ….Shots?
21 Thoughts You Have Daily If You’re A Functional Hot Mess
“Where are my keys?”
17 Honest Lessons On Self-Respect Every Teenage Girl Should Know
People will judge you for everything you do.
13 Signs You Have A Stoner Personality (Even If You Don’t Smoke Weed)
People refer to you as being “chill”
19 Signs You Have Absolutely No Chill
1. You’re constantly being told to chill.
9 Reasons Everyone Should Date A Jersey Girl
I will always be proud to be from New Jersey.
10 Bullsh*t Excuse Emails Everyone Sends The Week Before Finals
Did your Aunt *really* die this semester?
33 Paranoid Thoughts You Will Have At The Gynecologist
“Is my vagina pretty?”
11 Oddly Satisfying Things That Happen When You’re Finally With The Right Person
Honestly? Most fights end in a reconciliation that includes ordering takeout.