25 Non-Cheesy Love Songs About Being A F*cking Power Couple

Some of these songs get demerits for being a little corny or off-base —i.e. Wiz Khalifa’s ‘Roll Up’ starting off by discussing an affair, but redeeming itself by bringing up the importance of breakfast—but they’re all about being sprung on another person in a way that makes your life more full of the goodness. At their core, all of these songs are about the joys and frustrations of being on somebody’s team, for better or worse, through it aaaaaaaallllll. Listen to this playlist and be all about your dude, your lady, your man, your woman, your person, your best friend—I don’t care who you’re thinking of, but if you love ’em, let ’em know.
[spotify id=”spotify:user:1254961130:playlist:3NDCV0wz7Aj3TKSzbiayO2″ width=”300″ height=”380″ /]