Maybe It Was Never About Letting Go Of You, But Letting Go Of Who I Used To Be

Letting go of you meant saying goodbye to the girl I was with you. And welcoming a new girl in.
Letting go of you meant saying goodbye to the girl I was with you. And welcoming a new girl in.
Some called it snorkeling, some called it scuba diving but it didn’t matter, they were the same thing… killing yourself to live.
“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”
We need to feel things. We need to start letting things out. And we need to stop being so frightened of the little things. Because unlike our iPhones, and our computers, we can’t hit the reset button.
Don’t believe someone when they tell you they’re not ready, they are but they just haven’t met the right person yet. No one can decide if they’re ready or not because love is not something you can control.
When it comes to winning hearts it’s usually a man chasing after a woman. I have never seen a woman buy a man flowers, unless for congratulating on an achievement.
The thing about breaking up is: you’ve gotta be ready to break up. If you are willing to break up with someone, you have to be willing to picture life without them. Even (and especially in) the long term.
By coordinating your looks, you’re making a major commitment. It’s a subtle but serious way to say that you’re in it forever—and you couldn’t be happier to have found each other.
Spend more time with people who teach you how to be better, dream bigger and love harder.
Listen. There’s always going to be something that you’re not ‘enough’ of. There’s always going to be some part of you that won’t measure up to perfection because guess what? You’re not perfect.
It’s hard to judge myself through mirrors and photographs. I wish I could take a step back and see myself from someone else’s point of view.
Right now you are simply the nice little puppy that’s by her side. Be the bull dog that pulls her around a bit but also gives her awesome attention when he decides.
You don’t need to complicate things, just let them go and let them be. If they want to be with you, they’ll find a way.
If you’re unhappy, MOVE. Because if you’re meant to stay in one place, you should have roots, instead of feet.
Love is most beautiful emotions that exists. Fear is one of the worse. We mustn’t live in the constant fear of never loving again.