6 Things I’ve Learned From Being In An Open-Ended Long-Distance Relationship

Being in a long-distance relationship has taught me more about myself and my weaknesses than seven years of marriage ever did.
Being in a long-distance relationship has taught me more about myself and my weaknesses than seven years of marriage ever did.
Are you still looking for those old pieces to mend it back together again? Are you looking for me to give you those pieces? Because if you are, it pains me to tell you that I can’t give them to you.
“Let me out!” I shouted, “The Clock Man’s going to get me! Please let me out!”
There was no answer from the other side, not even the sound of Tommy and his friends laughing.
After about three weeks, I’d decided that, yes, there was a ghost, and I was beginning to understand its preferences.
When I kiss you, I’ll kiss all of me onto your lips. I’ll kiss you with heart, with passion. I’ll kiss you like no other woman has. I promise you’ll see the difference.
Yes you have learned a lesson or two. But you do not see everyone the same way you see that partner who hurt you. You can trust again. You know that the world should give you what you deserve. And yes trusting is a process that can make you take what is yours.
She’s passionate. She’s not the type of girl to be even-keel, ho-hum about everything. She’ll light a fire in you and will give your relationship a wonderful, exciting spark.
Gemini. Your extra friendliness. You make friends with anyone and everyone which can sometimes take a toll on the quality time you spend with your friends because you end up talking to strangers all night. It can be hard for your friends to get a hold of you for more than 10 minutes before you find someone else to socialize with.
You are not doing yourself any favors by pouring through your ex’s wedding photos on Facebook.
You wouldn’t throw away your favorite vase because it got a few smudges on it, you’d polish it up and take care of it before putting it back on display for the world to see.
When every ounce of my body is telling me to pack up and leave again, I want you to ask me to stay.
There was a time when going out was everything. You had to be at every party, every picnic, every date night, and every outing on the social calendar.
As cheesy as it sounds, always believe in yourself. You may be extremely stubborn, and sometimes you don’t see how truly spectacular you are, but I know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
For all the times you made me laugh, I conveniently blocked out the tears and emotional punches.
Don’t let yourself grimace at the thought of love. Don’t turn your nose up at it. Because no matter how much you get hurt from love, and how much it tries to crumble you up, love will always prevail. It’s not ever going to go away.
You know that moment when you hope for someone to ask you if you’re okay? I want someone to care enough and want to ask, but then, the more I think about it, it’s a question I don’t want to answer, not to them, not to myself.
I’m not the booty call, the girl that’s just here to satisfy your needs or to be a warm body next to yours when the other half of the bed feels cold.