Casey Imafidon

Casey Imafidon is a full time writer and has been featured on Inc, Elitedaily, Addicted2success and numerous other blogs.
Articles by
Casey Imafidon
9 Brutal Truths About Dating A Gemini As Written By A Gemini
I want to tell you a thing or two about why you should date us but the truth is that there are also some things about us that could break your heart and make you feel wronged.
5 Little Known Ways Your Zodiac Sign Secretly Affects Your Sex Life
Believe it or not, your zodiac sign determines who your most compatible lover is.
Here Is The Kind Of Traveler You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign
Keep these points in mind and you can turn a good trip into an amazing one.
Why Accountants, Yes, Accountants, Actually Make The Best Lovers
“Their standards may be high but this will keep the relationship in check.”
8 Things The ‘Right’ Woman Does That The Rest Never Will
She helps you heal and forgive.
10 Things You Should Never Do On Social Media
Harassing others. No one likes a stalker. It gets worse when the other person comments rudely on everything you do on social media. No one likes to be harassed on social media, this is particularly offensive.
10 Sad Truths About Dating A Drug Addict
They could run away with some other drug addict. There is no certainty in the future of the relationship.
13 Things That Happen When Your Partner Is A Great Cook
You don’t need to go out to search for a meal. There is so much to explore indoors. You are not eating out and you can discover new aspects of each other.
10 Signs You’re An Alpha Male And Can Conquer Any Woman
Alpha males are clear about their goals and desires. They know what they want and won’t follow the crowd. They don’t live their life on assumptions but through data and critical thinking they can create a path to achieving their goals.
10 Signs You’ve Actually Moved On From A Hurting Relationship
Yes you have learned a lesson or two. But you do not see everyone the same way you see that partner who hurt you. You can trust again. You know that the world should give you what you deserve. And yes trusting is a process that can make you take what is yours.
20 Things You Do In Your 20s That You Should Never Do In Your 30s (If You Want To Be Happy)
Living a life of worry and nervousness because you are concerned about what others think of you rather than knowing that only you can be in the best position to look after yourself.
7 Self-Improving Ways To Make Your Ex Wish They Never Broke Up With You
Become successful. They say success is the best revenge for anyone. Let your ex know that you became successful without them and how worthless they were in your world after all.