17 More Gripping True Tales Of Sheer Terror From America’s Darkest Highways

1. A Full Face Print
My aunts and I were on a road trip to visit my grandparents. We were driving almost 3000 miles to The NW territories Canada from Portland Oregon.
Most of the drive is long lonely highways. I decided it would be a good idea to bring along an Unsolved Mysteries book to pass the time. Because reading about murder is always good road trip fun.
We stop at a camp ground and just sleep in the van. I was sleeping in the front passenger seat. I thought I heard footsteps close to the van but didn’t see anything. When I woke up the next morning I glanced out the window and there was a full face print on the window. Like someone had been watching us during the night. Needless to say I didn’t sleep for the rest of the drive.
2. “He’s Getting Closer”
When I was younger, each summer and almost every New Year my family would pack the car and go on a road trip to visit family in Mexico. We never had any problems until one particular trip when I was 8.
Like every road trip before, we left our home in North Texas around 6 PM in order to reach our destination the next morning, so around 2 AM, we crossed into Mexico — and that’s when things got weird.
When you’re on the only stretch of freeway in the middle of the desert, you don’t tend to freak out about having the same car behind you for miles. It was practically pitch black outside our car windows — the only visible shapes being the dotted stars and the eerie silhouettes of the cacti. We’d been in Mexico for about an hour and still had few more to drive, and I remember sleeping but still being semi-conscious of what was around me because I didn’t have the skill to really fall asleep in a car. So when my mother suddenly spoke my dad’s name, I heard her.
“Miguel. That car behind us. It’s been behind us since we left Laredo.”
My dad peeked at the car shrugged off my mother’s tension.
“A lot of cars use this road. He’s probably going to Reynosa or another city.”
And he left it at that.
Despite his sureness, my mom kept a wary eye on the car behind us. By this time, my siblings and I were hyper aware of the car and entertained ourselves with watching the car through the gaps in the luggage that blocked the rear window. We got tired pretty quick.
“He’s getting closer.” My mother noted, and we turned to watch as the car inched closer and closer to ours. “He’s too close, Miguel.”
And she was right. By this time, the car was practically pressed against the rear of our car — and on a lonely stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere with another few hours until daylight, it was downright scary. We couldn’t do much. My dad didn’t slow down, didn’t stop, and he didn’t speed away either — he just drove. And the car followed.
The next thirty minutes were the most tense we had ever experienced. The Car would ease off sometimes only to press its blinding headlights against our rear once more — like he knew he was freaking us out and enjoying it. It was during one of the periods that The Car had pulled away that my mom spotted a police car up ahead parked on the side of the road and she didn’t miss a beat.
“Pull over! Right in front of the police. Pull over right now, Miguel!” And he did. And The Car kept driving. I wonder how confused the policeman must’ve been as he watched my dad park our car right in front of him. The policeman came over and asked what was wrong and my mother urgently told him everything. The Car, the way it followed us and taunted us.
The policeman took her claims seriously and told us of how people were victimized and had their cars stolen on these empty highways by thugs and criminals. And then he offered to drive behind us for a while to make us feel safe.
We drove off with the police cruiser behind us — relieved. Until about 10 minutes later when we saw something that confirmed the policeman’s words and my mother’s worst fears.
Ten minutes later, we saw The Car pulled over on the side of the road — waiting.
3. Springing The Trap
I was on a road trip with another girl and it was about 10 o’clock when we realized we needed to stop for gas and start looking for a place to stay the night. I’m careful and look for a nice safe place for gas. Finally I found what looked like a good place. It was a brightly lit gas station, clean, and looked pretty busy with a bunch of cars and just one open pump in the middle. I get out of my car to fill the tank. As I’m unscrewing the gas cap, I hear a shout.
There’s a guy with a gun and a group of people. Looking around I realize that the other cars are all empty. This was a trap set for whoever pulled into the center pump. He yells for me to get on the ground and for my friend to get out of the car. He continues shouting about how they’re going to shoot us or fuck us until we can’t walk and other threats if we don’t get on the ground now.
My friend is frozen in panic inside the car. I stick the gas cap in my pocket and tell the guy with the gun to let me talk to her. He lets me get in the car to talk her into getting out. Instead I start the car, throw it into reverse and nearly run over one of his accomplices leaving the station.
The look on his face as we sped out of there was priceless. He looked so shocked and so dumb. We finally got gas about 30 miles down the road when we were running on fumes, but decided not to stop again until we reached our destination.
4. Creeped Out At Wolf Creek
I was on a road trip across Australia. We were heading from Brisbane (east coast) to Broome (west coast). We had 72 hours to get there.
Before I had moved to Australia I made the unfortunate mistake of watching “Wolf Creek” which is a horror about a psycho out in the outback murdering tourists, loosely based on true events. My friends always teased me saying shit like “oh he’ll get ya”, knowing it freaked me out. I always said “I’ll never go anywhere close to Wolf Creek”.
So we’re into the second day of our trip across, we had 2 cars worth of people, I think 11 in total. All Europeans. We hadn’t slept because it was just too uncomfortable. That night we ran out of gas, guess where? Yup, 15 miles from Wolf Creek, I shit you not.
Before this the cars had gotten separated so there was about 4-5 of us on our own. We had pulled up to this gas station to wait until morning when it opened so we could fill up and be on our way.
So it’s getting late now but it’s the outback so it’s still a good 30 degrees (Celcius) at night. I was sitting in the back of the car in the middle seat with people on either side, no air con. I started to have a panic attack due to the heat and the claustrophobia of being in a car so I just decided to get out of the car and get some air. I went to sleep on a bench with outside the gas station and after about a half an hour this pick up truck pulls up beside me and turns the lights off, no one ever got out of the car and you couldn’t see inside the cab. It was one of the creepiest experiences of my life considering where I was at the time and also the fact that the dude in the film drove an almost identical pick up truck.
I decided that the car was my safest option that night.
5. The Man On The Walkie Talkie
I lived in New Mexico for several years before moving to the Midwest. My friend, Amy, and I (both females) would spend many days exploring the remote corners of New Mexico, discovering abandoned ghost towns and enjoying the quiet, desolate beauty of the desert.
One afternoon in March 2010, we were traveling from Ruidoso to Albuquerque. Always up for exploring, we took a back road rather than traveling the more direct highway.
One leg of our journey had us on NM55. It’s a remote, teeny, tiny two lane highway. We loved those types of roads- up until that day.
This part of New Mexico is flat and desolate desert. You can see for miles. And there is virtually nothing except dirt and rock between towns- and towns can be miles apart.
So we were on NM55 going north. After a few minutes, we saw a white pickup truck up ahead of us going the same direction. Suddenly, he stopped his truck sideways in the middle of the highway- blocking both lanes. We were about a mile away from him and as we got closer, we began to get uneasy. We could see no reason for him to do this. We were the only other vehicle out there and we began wondering if we should turn around rather than come up to him and have to stop.
We were about a half a mile away from him, when he pulled over to the opposite side of the highway- but his truck was still pointed the direction we were going. We tried to relax a little. Surely, this guy was a rancher or something. Maybe he was checking something on his land.
As we passed him, we noticed a few things: 1) There was only one person in the truck- a middle aged guy who never took his eyes off us and 2) He was talking into a walkie-talkie.
A few seconds after we passed him, he pulled back onto the highway and started following us. But, he never got too close. He would get to within a few car lengths and then drop back a little and then speed back up again to within a few car lengths. We were getting nervous. We realized how alone we really were. We had seen no other traffic on that road and we hadn’t told anyone about our ‘great idea’ to take this detour. We checked our cell phones and neither one had signal- typical for remote New Mexico, but scary given our present situation.
Amy was driving, and speeding up, while I frantically checked the map, hoping to find a road that would have more traffic. There was no other road. We had to travel this one to get to the next town (Mountainair). Turning around to go back the other way didn’t seem like a good option.
After a few minutes, we saw another pickup truck coming towards us. He was going very, very slowly- maybe 20 MPH- if that. This pickup was old and beat-up whereas the one behind us was newer.
Amy had us up to 75mph (which wasn’t typical for us on these 55mph highways) and we blew by the old pick-up. As we passed it, we saw that it was another middle aged guy- and he was talking into a walkie-talkie.
After the white pick-up passed him, he pulled a U-turn and pulled in behind it.
As we watched all this, we could see the white pick-up truck guy talking into his walkie-talkie.
No doubt these two knew each other. We were being deliberately followed. And for the first- and only time- in my life, I felt hunted.
They stayed right behind us. We watched for obstacles in the road. We truly thought ‘old, beat-up pickup guy’ had set up a trap in the road and our vehicle would be disabled somehow. We talked about driving into the fields (we were in an SUV). But this was obviously ‘their territory’ and we were afraid of what would happen if we went off road and got cornered. So, we stayed on the highway.
By now white pick-up truck guy was right on top of us. We could see him talking into the walkie-talkie and he stayed right on our bumper. And old, beat-up pick-up truck guy was right on top of him. The three of us sped down the highway.
The white pick-up inched closer. His maneuvering and edging closer made it apparent that he was trying to bump us. I watched helplessly as he got to within inches of our back bumper. Amy floored it. We were passing 80mph and edging up to 90mph. The road was flat and deserted, but any little thing going wrong would have been catastrophic. We absolutely were not going to slow down or stop if we could help it.
The white pick-up pulled into the opposite lane and started to gain speed. The only thing we could think of was that he wanted to pass us and get in front of us. If he got in front of us and his buddy was behind us, then we’d be boxed in and trapped.
We looked frantically at the rocky desert on both sides of us. Our only option was to off-road it. Should we risk it? Could we speed through the desert and make it to safety in one piece?
As we topped a small incline, we saw a sign that said ‘Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument’ and it pointed towards a road on the left. And right at that moment, a blue pick-up truck pulled out of that road and onto the highway in front of us. As we came up on the blue pick-up, we saw the plates said ‘US Park Service’. We looked at each other and then looked behind us- both pickup trucks did U-turns and went the other way. We followed the blue pick-up to Mountainair and then made our way to Albuquerque.
I don’t know exactly what those guys’ intentions were, but they weren’t good. There is something seriously wrong out there. I notified the State police and they said they would keep an eye on things.
This area is very near Belen, NM which is where Tara Calico was abducted. It’s also about 100 miles from Elephant Butte, NM which is where David Parker Ray had his little secret torture laboratory. We didn’t put all that together until later. Even though David Parker Ray had died by the time this happened to us, we do believe that there are others out there like him.
And whoever abducted Tara has never been caught.
Or maybe we came into meth lab territory. But since this happened on an actual highway- rather than a back country road- I tend to discount the meth lab theory. Whatever is going on out there, it’s not good.
6. He Just Walked into The high grass
Three friends and I ( 3 girls and 1 guy) were on our way back to Sydney, driving from Melbourne and we stopped at some random rest stop along the way so us girls could use the toilet.
We get out and use the toilet, fix ourselves in the mirror and while my friends were still talking and fixing their make up I went outside and had a smoke with my guy friend ( I am standing in front of the car and facing the women’s toilet).
The girls walk out from the toilet and sit on a picnic table and wait for me to finish my cigarette. After about 2 minutes I see a very creepy man that looked to be in his 50’s, thick grey beard and dirty clothes, walking out from the women’s toilets. The same toilets my friends and I had just used and never noticed we had unwanted company.
We got in the car very quick and as my friend is speeding off I swear I saw this man walking into the dark woods with grass as tall as he was. That was very strange.
7. Just Trying To Get Some Sleep On The Road
When I was younger, me and my family went on a road trip to Wyoming to see Yellowstone National Park. it’s a beautiful place, and if you haven’t seen it yet, I’d recommend it. Anyways, so from our home in California, it was about a 17 hour drive in our Yukon XL (the largest, most comfortable road trip SUV you can imagine). It took us several days worth of on and off driving to get there, and during the nights we would try to find a little motel to rest at. One of the nights, due to us being behind schedule, my dad attempted to drive through the night to get us there sooner. He made it probably into the wee hours of the night before he deemed it unsafe and parked us in this little unlit rest stop in the middle of the woods in some fly-over state.
Me and my brothers had fallen asleep in the car several hours before he’d stopped, so for at least a couple hours we were all sleeping in the car in this dark little parking lot surrounded by forest. Having got a couple hours of sleep and being in a pretty uncomfortable position, I woke up in the middle of the night, pretty disoriented but not really scared. I looked around and see everyone fast asleep in this pitch black car and naturally I feel pretty alone. I try to fall back asleep, but it’s just not working out and so I just sit there for a while, boredom setting in.
Looking out the window to see where we are, it’s pitch black so I couldn’t see jack shit. Luckily, I wasn’t the type to pack light and had brought a couple flashlights in my bag. Being careful not to disturb my sleeping family, I reached into the backseat, unzipped my bag, and pulled out a little plastic yellow flashlight. It wasn’t the brightest but it was enough to see the foreground of the general surroundings. I put it up to the glass, making sure not to make any noise, and pushed the little switch into the on position. I pressed my face against the glass and looked out.
At first it looked like a normal tree line with some bushes, trees, whatever.. but as I scanned the darkness, looking for animals, buildings, etc., I noticed this dark shape standing between these two trees in the distance. It looked like the shape of a man, but it wasn’t moving. Just sitting there. After watching it for a good while and seeing no real signs of movement, I just assumed it was a bush or some kind of natural occurrence. Just as I was about to turn the light off and reattempt sleep, I saw this shadow shape turn 90 degrees and move behind a tree, disappearing from sight. This scared the shit out of me, and I immediately turned off the flashlight and threw my sweater-turned-blanket over my head, shutting my eyes tightly and covering my ears. I was paralyzed with fear and, too full of adrenaline to get any sleep, sat in this semi-fetal position, clutching my flashlight, for the rest of the night.
I waited until the sun came up and we were back on the road before I got any sleep. I didn’t tell anybody about the man I saw in the woods.
8. Don’t Sleep By The Side Of The Road
About two years ago, I was driving home from a family reunion pretty late at night, and the drive was about two hours. I didn’t stay the night because I had to be back for work the following day. Most of the drive was on roads with dense bushes and trees on either side – the real creepy ones you see a lot in movies. Anyway, I had been driving about 45 minutes, and I was starting to get really tired. You know how sometimes you just suddenly become really tired, out of nowhere? Well yeah, that happened to me. I knew I wasn’t going to last, but I didn’t come across any place that I felt I could park and safely sleep.
Anyway, after it became clear to me that I wasn’t going to find a place to pull up, and my tiredness wasn’t going away, I did something very questionable. I pulled over to the side of the road onto the grass, behind some bushes, to try and hide my car from anybody else who was going to come past (the roads weren’t empty, I came across another car every few minutes or so). I made a mental note that the time was 11:22, and then fell asleep.
Some time later I was awoken by a scratching sound. I looked at the clock – 11:50. The sound stopped after a few seconds, and because I was still extremely tired, I didn’t bother looking around and simply went back to sleep. I was later awoken by the same sound, and it was now 12:40. This time it really freaked me out because the sound didn’t stop. The thought ran across my mind that it was just an animal inspecting the car, but why would it return almost an hour after it had left the previous time? I looked in my rear view mirror and just managed to catch a glimpse of something running away into the forest. Now, at the time, I thought it was the damn hook killer, you know the one that scratched that couple’s car and then slaughtered the guy when he got out to investigate? Fuck that, I thought to myself, so I got the hell out of there. There was a bend no more than a hundred yards up the road, and as I came around it, there was a fucking car, parked off to the side of the road with the driver side door opened. I slowed down just to look to see if anyone was in there (there wasn’t). Then I looked in my rear view mirror. I didn’t see anything, and all of a sudden, this guy comes sprinting around the corner. He starts screaming at me, shouting stuff like “Hey! Hey you! Get the fuck out of your car! Now!” I noped the fuck out of there and sped off. I never saw the guy again. Moral of the story? Don’t fucking sleep on the side of a deserted road.
9. She Was Staring And Smiling
My husband and I were driving on the highway late at night on our way home from a trip to Utopia. There weren’t many cars, but there was an old lady in an old Cadillac and she kept racing up to stay beside us in the next lane, then all of a sudden she starts merging into our lane and starts ramming us off the road. It wasn’t even like she couldn’t see our car, she was staring right at us and smiling. Luckily the next exit was our exit so we were able to make it, just. Called the cops but don’t think they ever found her.
10. Real Life Can Be Scarier Than Any Movie
I was driving a shortcut from Twentynine Palms, CA to Albuquerque, NM. Twentynine Palms is located in the desolate high desert east of LA. The shortcut was all two lane road through total nothingness, except for passing through Amboy, CA. Amboy is a nearly abandoned town nearly as far below sea level as Death Valley, with a dormant volcano and lava field on one side and a salt flat on the other. It was also, at the time, a hotspot for satanic group activity.
So I was driving by myself in the afternoon. I stopped in Amboy and snapped a picture of the city sign, just to prove I was there to friends who dared me to take that route to I-40. I got back in my car and proceeded to drive up into the mountain range between Amboy and I-40.
Once I reach the top I am driving north through a canyon with high grass on both sides of the road. Up ahead I see some stuff in the middle of the road. As I approach I slow down to see a red Pontiac Fiero stopped sideways across both lanes, a suitcase open with clothes scattered everywhere and two bodies laying face down in the road, a man and a woman.
I stop a hundred feet or so away and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Being a Marine, I reach under the seat and pull out a 9mm pistol and chamber a round. Something seemed very wrong, it looked too perfect as if it were staged. An ambush? Was I being paranoid? Something was just wrong. Getting out of the car seemed unthinkable, it was the horror movie move.
As I scanned the road I saw a line I could drive. Pass the guy in the road on his left, swerve to the right side of the woman, behind the Fiero and I’d be on the other side. I dropped it into first gear, punched it and drove the line I planned.
I passed the back of the Fierro without hitting it or either of the bodies in the road. I continued forward a couple hundred feet and slowed down so I could breathe and let my heart slow down. As I looked up into the rearview mirror I saw that the two bodies had gotten up to their knees and twenty or so people emerged from the tall grass on either side of the road by the car and bodies.
At that moment my right foot smashed the gas pedal to the floor and did not let up until I had to slowdown for the I-40 east onramp.
I will never know what would have happened to me had I gotten out of the car to check on the bodies or stopped my car closer to them. Somehow I do not think it would have been good. Sometimes real life can be scarier than a movie.
11. Night Driving In New Mexico
Driving on a super isolated road late at night in bumblefuck New Mexico (285 north, for those who know. For those who don’t, it’s a skinny little two-lane road for the most part which goes right through the middle of a lot of nothing with roughly 100 miles of fuckall on either side of it) and got followed for a long ways by a huge black pickup truck. One of those giant dodge king ranch things, all black, cow catcher on the front, limo black on all the windows, everything. It tailgated me at 85mph for about 75 miles, and when I stopped at a truck stop to pee it pulled off too, but nobody got out. It just idled away in the parking lot until I got back in and got on the highway again. Fucker followed me all the way to Carlsbad before peeling off and heading back south. I’ve never seen it again, but I refuse to make that drive by myself anymore.
12. A Guardian Angel In The Dead Of Night
I was driving along this road that stretches out over about 100km. It’s was almost 1am, and I was at the end of the road that is very desolate. Neighbors were kilometers apart from each other. It’s a familiar route for me, I drive on it once every few months just to go anywhere.
Because of how isolated it is, there’s no street lights so you have to rely on your car headlights. On this particular night I was feeling a little strange because the route didn’t seem familiar, which is impossible because it’s just one long road with the occasional turning roads. But I kept driving along towards the place where I turn around.
I can to this certain point in the road where there was one lone house, their car was parked in the driveway and I could see that there was somebody in the passenger seat. I thought it was kind of weird because it was so late/early. As I got closer to them they turned the car on, and flashed their high beam lights at me. I didn’t pay much attention to this but then I drove past them and looked into my rear view mirror to see what they were up too. They pulled out of their driveway onto the road going the same direction I was.
I was a little nervous at this point because it still looked unfamiliar to me. About five minuets up the road, I looked into my rear-view mirror and the car that pulled out behind me was gone. I looked to my left and noticed an abandoned convenience store on the side of the road, this was something I remember driving passed whenever I would drive up here and I remember that directly in front of the store, a couple of feet away there’s a phone booth.
Both the store and the phone booth were run down, and covered in graffiti. Neither had been used in a very long time. As I got closer I saw that there was a dark figure behind the glass of the phone booth. They were looking right at me, I could see their eyes in my headlights. I got a little closer and they stepped out of the phone booth and started walking towards the road that I was on. I started to speed up and then this really bright light came on behind me, and this person just took off towards the back of the store.
I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw the car that had flashed at me earlier. It was about 100 meters behind me. It followed me for another kilometer or so until we reached a turn off road where it did a U-turn and went back the other way.
To get home I had to go back the way I came. I drove past the phone booth and there was nothing there, and then I reached the house where the car pulled out and it was back in it’s driveway. Driver still in the front seat.
13. “Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M.”
One night 3 years ago I got into a fight with my girlfriend at the time. In my rage I stormed out of her house, got in my truck, and just drove. I hopped on the interstate and drove. About an hour later I was in Nashville but I was still pissed so I decided to keep driving. I made it my goal to reach Kentucky and turn around. I had never been to Kentucky before and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I reach Kentucky about 2:30 in the morning having left my town a little after 12:30. I grabbed a coke and a biscuit from the first McDonald’s and headed back to Alabama.
As I’m heading back I realize I’m running low on gas right as I get to Nashville. So I pull off interstate 65, go down the off ramp and hit a light. I make a left and hit another light.
Now here’s where it gets weird:
As I pull up to this light I notice something strange. The only car on the road is stopped at the green light to the right. Weird I thought but hey it’s after 3 at this point, the person could be tired. Once I reach the redlight however the car rolls forward through the light and under the overpass for the interstate. Then I see their brakes light up and their headlights go out. They stopped under the overpass, and my heart starts to race. I was sitting in the turn lane waiting for the light, the gas station was right past the overpass, and there they were waiting for me. I was freaking out. I watched my light turn green then back to red, I was waiting to see if they would move, but the didn’t. Finally when the light switched to green again, I flicked on my high beams and crept through the intersection, trying to make out their faces but I couldn’t. Then low and behold as soon as I passed them their headlights turned on and they started moving again. At this point I’m scared shitless, staring at the headlights in my rear view instead of the road, as I make it the couple hundred feet to the gas station. Thankfully when I pull in the gas station the first thing I notice is the cop car parked out front.
So I park at the pump and as I’m getting out I watch the car pull in the station and park. I start pumping and as I’m doing so I watch a man exit the vehicle and start to walk in side. The whole time from the second his head pops out the car to when he makes it inside the store he is staring at me, smiling like that shell shocked soldier, shaking his head left to right. He walks into the store and gets in line right behind the cop. Now maybe I’ve watched too many movies but the whole time he was standing there I thought he was going to kill that cop, thankfully he did not.
Once I had enough gas to get home I stopped pumping, jumped in my car, and double checked my phone for directions back to the interstate. As I was leaving the gas station though I noticed the man leave his place in line and run out of the store. That’s when I paniced, I hit the gas, ran the redlight at the overpass, ran another redlight and got back on the interstate. I then went about 85-90mph the whole way home constantly checking my rear view.
Still one of the creepiest things to happen to me. And it reiterated to me what the detective told all the incoming freshman at orientation, “Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.”
14. The Thing Around The Curve
A few years ago while I was driving home from my night shift security job, It was about 6:20 AM during the summer so it wasn’t completely dark out, I was coming around a small curve in the highway and I seen a thing it looked like a naked human walking on all fours in that strange butt up posture you make while bear crawling. It was moving slow across the road with its head swaying back and fourth as it crawled across the road in front of me. I was too confused to be scared so I continued on home.
A day or two later I was talking to my parents who live about two miles from where I had seen that thing and told them about it. They told me some years before two of their friends were walking in that area and both came running to their house scared to death and would never tell anyone what had happened or what they had seen.
Later while telling scary stories with my friends I told them of the thing I had seen that night. One of my friends who is a cop said about eight years ago a man was ran over at that curve and everyone in the community thought he was a skinwalker. It doesn’t scare me, I still drive that same road all the time day and night but I still look for it every time I drive by that curve.
15. Followed In Texas
So I was driving through Killeen, TX at about 2am after a coming home thing and was heading back to my hotel with my wife. I take the exit and after a quick look back I see no vehicles so I start to merge over because the hotel entrance is almost right after the off ramp and theres not much wiggle room. As I start to come over I get suddenly flashed by headlights and hear this dickwad’s horn about 50 ft behind me (so its not like I was actually going to hit em). So I stop merging and keep going straight, accelerating a bit to get ahead of this car more and take a more roundabout way to get to the hotel. I notice that this car is now tailing me very closely, I can only make out two figures and one is reaching into the back seat. Pulls something long and thing out of the back and now I decide to make sure this dude is actually following me.
Blinker shows left, turn right. He copied. (You ever seen Burn Notice…yeah some of those little “tips” actually work) Then I did some other borderline stupid (but legal) things like signaling a good half-mile ahead of my next turn (which wasn’t actually planned) then turning it off and going the other way.
Eventually I say fuck it and gun it back on to the highway and he follows so I get right back off and cut my lights going into a crowded parking lot, and just like you see in the movies (and say “How the fuck didn’t they see them?”) they roll past us looking everywhere. After about 2 minutes I start the car and leave, never saw a trace of the car again. It was a bit scary but I had to stay calm so my wife didn’t know what was really going on, I told her I was just trying to stay out of the way of a drunk driver and let her know what was up when I cut out the lights. She was none too pleased but sure that I had lost them. I wasn’t and was paranoid for the next week.
16. A Man Standing In The Bushes
Worked nights at a warehouse. Often drove my motorcycle because its fun and saves money on gas. Was coming home one night. There was a heavily wooded/bushed area right on the side of the road. I pull up to a stop sign and there is just some dude standing in the bushes. I come to a stop. Look at him. We make eye contact. He starts walking towards me. I nearly killed the engine as I floored it the fuck out of there. I got a mile or so down the road. Pulled over. Pulled out my handgun and called the police. Didn’t see him again. The police went and checked it out but there was no one there by the time they arrived.
Dude was freaky looking.
17. A Flat Tire In The Middle Of Nowhere
I was driving alone from eastern Colorado to Wyoming in the middle of the night on a dirt road. It was the type of darkness that most people never get to experience. Like being in the middle of the ocean. No cities or even small towns for hundreds of miles in every direction. Once i hit the border of Wyoming the road became pavement. After about half an hour i hear this loud bang and my car pulls hard to the middle of the road. I got a flat tire. I pull over and get out and its just quite as can be. So dark, not a single light of any kind for hundreds of miles except my dome and head lights.
I start changing the tire by myself feeling really uneasy about being alone in the middle of no where. So I get the tools and the spare out of the trunk and start changing the flat as fast as i can. For some reason I’m trying to be quite because it feels like every little sound i make is incredibly loud. I even turned my music off. I’m crouched down finishing up, tightening the lug nuts on the spare, when I hear from right behind me “need any help with that?” in a man’s voice. I spin around and stand up fast as fuck and no one is there. I look across the street in the other lane and no one is there. I grab the tire iron and start yelling “who’s there?!” Who’s out there!?!”
Dead silence. I mean, I could hear my heart beating. I could barely see the other side of the road because of the darkness but i knew that there was nothing anywhere around me but dirt and sagebrush. I spin those lung nuts on, crank um tight, spin the jack down, the whole time I have that feeling someone is right behind me. I throw all the tools in the trunk with the flat and could not jump back in my car fast enough. I felt like someone was going to stop me from closing the door when I slammed it shut. I sped home to Wyoming freaked the fuck out the whole time. Checking my back seat over and over again.