25 Ways FRIENDS Would Have Been Different If It Had Happened In The Age Of Social Media

Ross’s name screw up at the alter would have been posted on Youtube and probably auto-tuned.
Ross’s name screw up at the alter would have been posted on Youtube and probably auto-tuned.
It scares me to think that I can be happy in a body that is anything less than perfect. There’s a part of me that can’t lie to you, there are days that I think if I could choose to go back to the silly, self-centered skinny girl, I’d do it in a second.
I deserve to be happy… but so do you. Waiting around for something to never happen only promotes the stagnation of life, progression—it halts the future and what it has in store. What so many others our age forget to remember is this: love isn’t simply choosing to spend your life with someone. It is waking up every day and making the daily choice to spend the rest of your life with them. Love isn’t passive, it’s an action—a daily choice.
Call them bold, fearless, or powerful, these are women who light up a room with their magnetic energy. They intimidate the close-minded and inspire those who have long hungered for tangible proof that they, too, will serve themselves well by igniting their passions and relishing in their independence.
I know we haven’t met but it’s obvious at this point we’ve thoroughly stalked each other on all social media. Which is cool, I guess. It’s like getting to know you without having to go through all of that awkward ‘I hate you, you’re crazy’ nonsense.
Here’s something I don’t advertise on my SitterCity profile: I hate children. But I do love video games and easy money, so that makes for a pretty smooth operation when it comes to taking care of other people’s kids for a few hours.
Here’s my definition of submissive: allowing your true feminine essence to shine by consciously deciding to surrender yourself, mind, body and spirit to the man you have welcomed in your life because he has shown he aligns with your life vision, standards and truth.
From being my personal cheerleader to my European drinking buddy, I’m amazed every single day by the strength, love and wit that my mom effortlessly brings to my world. If you’re lucky like me, your mom holds a pretty big piece of your heart and and a pretty big chunk of data in your phone plan.
Did I just give them a thumbs up when they left instead of hugging them goodbye? AHHHHHHHH.
But regardless of what the future holds for you and your relationship status, don’t be so unkind to yourself and think that you alone bear deficiencies that make you undesirable or unloveable.
You feel like Oprah, so generous with your driving. YOU GET AHEAD OF ME! YOU GET AHEAD OF ME! YOU ALLLLL GET AHEAD OF ME IN THIS LAAAAANEEEEE!
“If you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.”
So you’ve gone on a few dates, gotten to know the basic facts about each other, fooled around a little and generally had a good time. No problems dotting the horizon right? Wrong.
If you expect their love to make you believe in your own worthiness and—when it inevitably doesn’t—you blame them for not making you happy, you will break them.