10 Sophisticated (And Totally Secretive) Moves French Women Use To Seduce Men

Have you ever looked at a French woman and wondered: What makes her so sexy? Author Jamie Cat Callan is American but grew up with a French grandmother. She realized that French women had a certain something that us Americans don’t have. So she went to France to learn how they achieve that seemingly effortless mix of charm and seduction. Here are her 10 biggest takeaways:
1. Stop dating.
French women don’t date. Start by getting off the dating treadmill and meet your man in the context of a group of friends and admiring men.
2. Throw a party.
Invite old and new friends. Show off your culinary and entertaining skills.
3. Walk the walk.
French women walk everywhere. Yes, it’s great exercise but they do it to be seen. When you go for a walk with a potential lover, he doesn’t know it’s a date. Plus, he sees other men looking at you so he knows there’s competition.
4. Get offline and get in line.
French women meet men in museums, bars and parties. Being charming and a little seductive is a matter of survival, so they’ll chat up everyone.
5. Fraternize on the job.
Ditch the genderless business suit and wear something a bit come-hither.
6. Be natural.
The French look is natural. This means choosing one body part and showing it off.
7. Say hello to your ex.
You’ll never know when you’ll need a date or someone to add to your coterie.
8. Create a coterie.
This is the all-important group of friends with whom you go to bars, museums and concerts.
9. Get smart.
Even if you’re not really smart, carry a book and wear those spectacles. French women know that being brainy is hot.
10. You have the right to be moody.
You are ze woman. He is ze man. You are passionate! You have ze problem with that? Life is a whole lot more fun when you’re not trying to act sane all the time!