11 Struggles Of Being An Eternal Optimist
21 Ways You Know He’s A Genuinely Good Guy

He knows that being smart and hardworking and ambitious and firm in your opinions doesn’t make you any less feminine. In fact, he’s attracted to you because of those attributes.
The Gemini Woman: A Frustrating, Loving, Spontaneous Goddamn Handful

You’ll know the Gemini woman in the room because she’s the one floating from group to group, inserting herself into conversations that don’t involve her and moving on elsewhere the moment the topic ceases to interest her.
13 Third Eye Blind Lyrics Guaranteed To Make Your Heart Swell

Stop everything! Third Eye Blind and Dashboard Confessional just announced that they will be touring together this summer.
15 Times Ted Mosby Perfectly Summed Up What It’s Like To Be Optimistically Single

Sometimes you get super overexcited about the possibility of a relationship, and lose sight on reality for a bit.
8 Honest Realizations That Made Me Not Want A Wedding

For me, there’s no draw to the white gown experience. I understand there’s a fantasy element, a glory in being surrounded by beauty, walking in the spotlight. A day just about me. I get it, but I’m not a part of the club.
3 Easy Steps To Date A Girl With Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease is a chronic illness which can affect any part of your intestinal tract; from the esophagus down to the intestines.
7 Things I’d like To Tell Every Young Veteran

You left, and the world kept on ticking. Your kids got older, your home team kept playing, your neighbors kept working. It’s natural to feel, because the world kept on moving, that nobody noticed that you were gone. But that’s not true.
This Is The Best (And Only) Way To Get Your Eyebrows On Fleek

Let’s take a minute to talk eyebrows: As a makeup artist, nothing makes me happier than to see someone’s eyebrows on point. Sadly not everyone understands the importance of their brows.
14 Tattoo Artists Reveal The Worst Mistakes They’ve Ever Made On Someone’s Skin, Permanently
19 Reasons Boxers Are Actually The Worst Type Of Dogs To Live With
199 Three-Word Phrases That Will Make You A Better Person
6 Things That Happen When You Love Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

We all fall in love for someone at least once in a lifetime. Love is that indescribable and unmeasurable feeling of joy that fills our entire body. It’s an amazing feeling that can bring us the happiest moments in our lives, as well as the worst.
Dear Cilantro: Why Are You The Worst?

You should be ashamed of yourself, cilantro. YOU RUIN FOOD. YOU RUIN FOOD THAT INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO ENJOY.
13 Women On Whether They Regret Their Boob Jobs
17 Horny Women Explain What It’s Like To Want Sex Ten Times More Often Than Their Significant Other
14 Signs Your Relationship Is Over (Before It’s Officially Over)
You’re always the one reaching out, making plans, making an effort, and showing up. And deep inside you know if you stopped doing these things, the relationship would in fact, come to a screeching halt.