Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

Don’t Forget, I Loved You First

Maybe it’s selfish of me, or perhaps narcissistic of me. Maybe I feel a bit possessive over you. Or maybe I just wish you still felt the same about me as you did before. Maybe I just wish you still loved me.

20 Stupid Things I Only Do While Drunk

Stalk my ex and like his Instagram picture and then slowly come to the realization that I just did that so I quickly unlike it and pray he doesn’t notice.

I’m 24 And Single — Get The Hell Over It

Sometimes, it’s a person’s decision to be single. Sometimes, people just don’t want a significant other. And it doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with them. It doesn’t mean that they are lonely. It doesn’t mean that their standards are too high.

How To Actually Be Happy While Being Single

One day you’re going to wake up and not feel the void inside of your heart. And one day, you’re going to wake up and not miss the warm body that used to lay next to you. 

What You Lost When You Lost Me

You didn’t just lose a person. You didn’t just lose a girlfriend. You didn’t just lose a friend. You lost your opportunity to have a future with me. You lost a lifetime. A lifetime you could have had…with me. 

This Is Why She Left You Even Though She Loved You

She is the type of girl to run after what she wants in life which is exactly what she did with you. But she needed to do it for someone else. For something else. For the sanity of her soul. For the pounding of her heart. She needed to do it for the oxygen in her lungs. To lift that weight off. The weight of her past loves, her past spaces and past self.

What Makes Your Anxiety Even Worse, Based On Your Birth Order

Youngest: Your anxiety shows up with your grades, with your career, and with your personal life. It is always looming over you like a dark, angry cloud. Not a day goes by where you don’t feel like you’re taking the wrong path in life, and as a result your anxiety pushes through in a really powerful way.