Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

The Type Of Love You Will Find In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Scorpio: The love of life itself. Forget relationships, you’re going to fall in love with life instead! The year of 2018 is the year you regain your confidence in yourself and with the world. You’re going to feel so happy and content, and honestly, you won’t want to be tied down. You are going to want to experience your adventures on your own. 

The Truth Is, Closure Doesn’t Exist

Saying goodbye doesn’t mean feelings go out the window. Ending things doesn’t mean that emotions die and wither. Closure just puts an imaginary smiley face on top of your heart. An imaginary coat of paint to mask the hurt.

Whether You Believe Me Or Not, You Will Find Love Again

But just as I did, you will get over this person. Millions of people have been heartbroken before. But it didn’t kill them and it won’t kill you. You are resilient whether you know it or not. You are strong and you are brave, whether you know it or not.

Where I Thought I Would Be By 25

Sure, I don’t have all of my boxes checked off and maybe I don’t have everything I need or want yet. But maybe I don’t really need those things after all.

I’m Slowly Learning How To Not Feel Sorry For Myself (Even When Life Sucks)

Life will always be hard. But I can’t spend another minute feeling sorry for myself. It doesn’t do me any good and it doesn’t do anyone else any good. So, live your life. Mess up. Fuck up. Embrace your imperfections and your mistakes. Learn from the times of heartache and rejection. Learn from the darkness, instead of sitting in it. And then get up and start again.

I Wish I Could Have Been Enough For You

You said it wasn’t me. That it was just you and your mind wanting to explore. Wanting to search for someone new. Wanting new lips to kiss. New bodies to lay next to. New hands to hold. You said it wasn’t me. But I’m still here wondering, what the heck I did to make you run.

The Truth About Being A Strong Woman With Anxiety

I am strong. But my anxiety makes me feel weak. My heart is happy. But my anxiety tells me it’s not. My lungs are powerful. But my anxiety makes it hard to breathe. I am a strong woman. But my anxiety makes me forget that.