It May Take A While But What’s Meant For You Will Always Find Its Way To You

It may take a while but what’s meant for you will not mistakenly be given to someone else. God doesn’t miss any targets.
Stop Putting A Timeline On Life, Let Faith Guide The Way

We continue to put ourselves in a position to hurt and break in ways that could easily be healed if we opened our hearts to let faith guide the way.
When Everything Feels Too Heavy And Unfair In Life, Read This

What good will come out of continuing to focus on what’s not working and what appears to be unfair?
20 People Reveal What Happened To The Marriage Pacts They Made When They Were Younger

“Had one to get married at 30. I got married before that and I don’t think my friend took it well.”
How Each Zodiac Sign Breaks Down When They’re Burnt Out And Stressed

VIRGO: You stop taking care of yourself. You let your nails get long and chipped. You let your hair get dirty. You let yourself self fall apart physically to match your mental state.
7 Ways A Strong Woman Will Absolutely Change Your Life
I Can See Myself Falling For You, And That Terrifies Me

Having you and being loved by you would imply that I could also lose you. I don’t want to know what that would feel like, because I know that your absence would come with a lot of pain.
What I’ve Come To Understand About Heartache

Understand that this is your chance; this is your shot to be whatever the hell you want.
True Love Is Not Blind

Here’s the thing; if two people really love each other, I think love isn’t blind at all. It has perfect vision.
6 Things I Will Never Ask A Man To Do For Me
How To Tell Someone You Love Them Without Words
50 Fun Phone Games To Play When You’re Bored Out Of Your Mind

Evil Apples – it’s just a mobile version of Cards against Humanity, and it’s very enjoyable. I genuinely recommend checking it out.
He’s All Wrong, But I Love Him Anyway
50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again

We met on Neopets as kids and became best friends. Years later we realized we were both into girls so it worked out perfectly and we’re engaged.
If They Come Back, Walk Away

So when they come back, smile and go on your way. Wish them well, but not with you. Move on and be happy.
Making A Commitment Is About More Than Staying Faithful

Making a commitment is about trusting someone else with your whole heart. It’s about tearing down your walls. It’s about letting someone else inside, even though it’s scary. It’s about putting your trust into another person. It’s about pouring all of your love into them.
7 Reasons Girls Stay In Toxic Relationships When They Should Get The Hell Out

He said he was sorry. He promised he was never going to make the same mistake again. Even though it’s not the first time he screwed up, he seemed genuinely upset about hurting you this time. His apology seemed authentic this time.