Alyssa Lynn Malmquist
Order my book “Put The Damn Phone Down” available now on Amazon.
Articles by
Alyssa Lynn Malmquist
The Truth Is, It’s My Fault We Aren’t Together
It’s my fault we’re not together, and I’m sorry about that.
29 Brutally Honest Answers For When Someone Asks Why You’re Single
I’ve been self-diagnosed as what some might call chronic singleness.
Maybe You’ll Never Be Enough For Them, But That’s Exactly Why They Were Never Enough For You
Friends and family can preach that you deserve better all day long, but it’s not until you believe it yourself that you’ll start making choices that help you.
If You’re Struggling To Find Commitment In Your Relationships, Read This
Dating was difficult before a pandemic, and now it’s gotten even more confusing.
For The One That Keeps Facing Heartbreak After Heartbreak
Maybe you’re facing heartbreak because you keep looking for ways to change people that break you.
4 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Actually Healing from Trauma
Traumatic experiences can happen to any one of us.
One Day The Right Person Will Be Standing Beside You
Why do so many young people see that as an option today? As if limbo could be a preferred relationship status.
The Seven Deadly Men You Shouldn’t Text During Quarantine—No Matter How Bored You Are
Remember: they aren’t in your life for a reason, so don’t let this quarantine play tricks on your mind and make you feel that you should reach out just because.