Lance Pauker
10 Signs You Should Stop Talking To Your Ex
3. The chances of you two being in the same place are as unlikely as ordering a burrito that contains an evenly distributed amount of rice, beans, and meat.
6 Things You Suddenly Stop Wanting In Your Mid 20s
Everyone’s talking about the McConaissance, but nobody’s talking about the mid-20s bar-aissance — the incredible phase in which you go to a bar and not have your shoes stick to the floor.
The 10 Types Of Breakups Everyone Goes Through In Their 20s
2. The Not-A-Breakup Breakup
15 Things You’re Thinking When You’re Out, But Actually Want To Be In Bed Watching Netflix
10. On the plus side, at least my computer’s not burning up my lap and likely giving me some sort of cancer.
6 High-Quality Books To Add To Your Summer Reading List
Because we’re all friends here on the internet, certainly feel free to add your own summer reading suggestions in the ‘mments:
10 Things You Outgrow By The Time You Turn 24
I’m turning 24 this weekend. Back when I was 23 and 10 months, I was so dumb and shortsighted. But now that I am 23 and 11.9 months, I am very smart and feel incredibly obligated to impart some wisdom:
50 Great Sports Moments From The Early 2000s (That You Might Have Forgotten About)
2. T.O Celebrates On The Star
10 Dead Giveaways That The Guy You’re Texting Isn’t Interested (From A Guy’s Perspective)
2. There are no weird explanatory things that hint at his vulnerability
17 People On The One Book You Should Definitely Read This Summer
Happy reading, and don’t forget to put on that sunscreen.
5 Ways You’ll Drink In Your Mid-20s
2. The Classy Carafe
The 15 Best Moments From ‘Entourage’
Dating In College Vs. Dating In Your Mid-20s
In college, nobody cares about being pretentious about cheese.
22 Songs To Listen To On A Rainy Day
The cold and rainy spring day, in addition to providing a default conversational topic, also provides a great opportunity to sit around all day, order dumplings (huge), and play a bunch of music that you wouldn’t totally be able to get away with normally.
10 Things Guys Say (And What We Really Mean)
Men amirite?
50 Things That Happen Right Before You Graduate College
1. You’re incredibly thrilled that no one who matters is here to see the state of your apartment. At this point, the messiness isn’t so much pathetic as it is admirable.
What It’s Actually Like To Spend A Week In Fargo
When you go to a place like Fargo, you’re inevitably gonna expect a bit of a culture shock. But the culture shock in Fargo isn’t so much a shock as it is a refreshing reminder of human decency.
10 Songs That Make Bros Cry
One of my favorite pastimes is a game called “will this song make a Bro cry?”, a game that doesn’t actually exist, but probably should.
The 19 Types Of 20-Something Couples You’ll Meet In 2014
1. Mark & Mandy Marathon