25 People Describe What They Love The Most About Their Bestie
This Is How Two People Who Once Loved Each Other Become Strangers
Three Important Lessons You Should Learn In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac
I Found My Happiness When I Found God
When She Stops Fighting For You, You Have Lost Her Forever

She shouldn’t have to fight for you. You should hand over your heart willingly. You should put in effort without being asked. You should treat her with kindness without her convincing.
What’s Meant To Be Yours Will Come To You

What’s supposed to be ours will come, what’s meant to be will fall into place, what’s right will feel right and we won’t have to force it.
Maybe Life Is Not Meant To Go The Way We Planned

Life can be more powerful than us but we still know how to win. We know how to battle. We know how to fight back.
Read This When You Know You Need To Make A Change, And You Need To Find The Courage To Make It

Please don’t let yourself believe that you deserve anything less than being happy with your life, your relationships, and your job.
12 Ways To Passively Tell Someone That You May (Or May Not) Like Them

According to my logic, if you stalk them hard enough, then you’ll somehow gain their attention.
This Is Why I Can’t Be ‘Just Friends’ With You

I can’t be “just friends” with you, because I can’t just laugh with you and pretend that I am no longer hurting.
What If I Said You’re The Best Damn Thing That’s Ever Happened To Me?

What if I said you’re my person—the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me, the one I want to call mine and wake up next to for the rest of my life?
For Anyone Who Is Low Maintenance, Makeovers At Sephora Are Well Worth The $50 In Products

My conflict is my love for makeup and my lack of knowledge of it and the fact I don’t wear it often.
How The Super Blue Blood Moon Will Affect Your Relationship And Life Based On Your Zodiac

Pisces, you are going to be watching the moon with someone you care about and you’re just gonna know what to do.
24 Genuine Ways To Fall In Love With Your Life Again
Sometimes Your Almost Boyfriend Will Come Back

Sometimes you are supposed to grow without each other before you can grow as a team.
This New Horror Film Is Already Being Called The Next ‘Exorcist’ And The Trailer Will Give You Chills

Hereditary has been called “too scary” and a “masterpiece” and, according to the critics, is already a contender to become this generation’s The Exorcist.
How To Look Less Ugly In 15 Minutes Using These Must-Haves From Sephora

Sephora is my promised land. I probably spend way too much money there (what up, VIB status), but ya know, some people buy hard drugs, I buy a shit ton of eyeshadow. So it’s probably fine.