Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.
Articles by
Kirsten Corley
One Day You’ll Just Heal Without Rhyme Or Reason
I still remember exactly how horrible it felt to watch love leave like I was to blame for some ending that blindsided me.
You Won’t Be Everyone’s Cup Of Tea & That’s A Good Thing
I always tried incredibly hard to get people to like me as if I had something to prove. But the more I tried; the more people didn’t.
When Love Outlasts The People Who Couldn’t Stay
When we love someone, I don’t think it’s the kind of thing that ever entirely goes away even when that person does. It would be a beautiful thing to see love reciprocated every time.
When Anxiety Reveals Itself In The Form Of Self-Doubt
Sometimes my most anxious moments feel like it’s a boxing match of me vs. my mind and when I allow myself to go down the rabbit hole of negative thoughts, what happens is self-doubt.
And When You Choose Love, May It Feel Like Home
And when you choose to love, I hope it’s the kind of thing that feels like Saturday mornings in baggy clothes making waffles in the kitchen as your song plays in the background.
When You’re Strong But Human, Read This
It isn’t your job to always be the strong one, and people shouldn’t expect that of you.
When Love Doesn’t Choose You Back
Anyone who doesn’t choose you cannot possibly be meant for you. It seems like an easy concept. But when the heart is involved, logic and reasoning don’t matter.
When You Stop Letting Your Trauma Define You, You’ll Heal
If you look at trauma or the person who inflicted pain upon you through lenses with empathy and understanding, that is the gateway to healing.
Through The Right Relationship Your Real Friends Will Reveal Themselves
When you finally find the right partner, your life is going to change for the better.
It’s Okay If You’ve Forgotten What Love Is Suppose To Feel Like
It’s okay if your heart aches for something you don’t even remember anymore. Longing for love, which seems like it might have skipped you along the way. And you’re watching, waiting, and hoping for something and anything.
15 Micro-Moments That Will Prove You Are Exactly Who & Where You Need To Be In Life
1. When losing a friendship doesn’t mean you have gained an enemy.
They Are Going To Miss You
Sometimes people miss the way you made them feel about themselves.
This Is What No One Talks About After A Breakup
No one talks about how loud silence is when the person you want to hear from most doesn’t reach out.
When You’re The Girl Who Is Too Familiar With Love That Leaves
When you’re the girl who is too familiar with a love that leaves what you learn to appreciate and admire are every relationship you see that’s good, that lasts because it’s those people that give you hope.
I’ve Learned Lately It’s About Choosing Yourself
I’ve learned lately that we are all going to miss someone at some point and it doesn’t make you weak it just proves love was real even in their absence.
Maybe I Needed To Lose
Maybe I needed to lose what felt like everything at the time to realize I still had a lot.
The Aftermath Of Breaking Up With Someone Who Has Anxiety
When you break up with someone with an anxiety disorder, it doesn’t end at the breakup; there is a whole other storm that follows, where it’s the individual against themselves.
And When They Come Back, Don’t Forget How They Left
I want you to remember how long you stared at your phone hoping it would ring only it didn’t.