Kate Bailey
Part time writer. Full time bad ass bitch. Brunch-having New Yorker.
17 Reasons Your Best Friend Is The Only Therapist You’ll Ever Need
Even after spending just a day apart, someone texts: “Oh my god I have SO MUCH TO TELL YOU.”
16 Things We Forget To Thank Our College Friends For
For making school feel like home.
15 Things That Happen When You Date A Beautiful Person
Their beauty isn’t the only reason you love them, and that should go without saying. It may have been the reason you were first attracted to them, but it’s certainly not the reason you’ve stayed with them this long.
16 Weird Things That Start Happening When You Realize You’re Going To Be Friends Forever
It doesn’t matter how long they’ve actually been in your life, it feels like it’s been forever.
18 Reasons Everybody Should Embrace Their Inner Basic Bitch
Loving Target with the very flame of your soul and calling it Targé is a fiscally responsible and heartwarming way to buy another lacy sundress you don’t need, and that’s a life everyone deserves to live now and again (or every weekend — you do you hons).
18 Signs You’re Too Awkward To Function
You never know what to do with your hands.
The 14 Differences Between The Boys You Date And The Men You Marry
The kind of man you marry wants to go down on you. The kind of boy you date wants you to go down on him.
16 Things We Forget To Thank Our Dads For
For getting us started on what would become our lifelong sports obsessions.
How You Forget The One Who Got Away
That I wasn’t holding onto another person, but to an answer, and to hope. I’m not sorry you didn’t end up being that for me. I’m grateful, because it made me see that the love I was trying to replace wasn’t totally gone.
17 Weird Things Only Your Best Friend Knows About You
What you binge ate yesterday.
16 Things We Forget To Thank Our Moms For
Being the kind of person that we actually do want to become — because as we all know, it’s inevitable.
The 20 Rules Of Being A Modern Gentleman
You are kind but straightforward about your intentions– you don’t leave people questioning or hanging, and you certainly don’t use people for your own selfish desires.
15 Reasons Cousins Make The Best Friends
Family parties are infinitely more entertaining when you have a group of you that can retreat from the holiday madness and just hang out and/or observe your hilarious relatives who never fail to live up to their dysfunctional reputations.
10 Things You Learn When You (Don’t) Study Abroad
That the worst part of it all is probably watching your friends go and having campus feel empty and weird without them.
8 Weird Questions You Want To Ask Your Lesbian Friends (And The Answers So You No Longer Have To!)
“Which one of you is the boy?”
The 9 Things Girls Want Out Of A Relationship (From A Girl’s Perspective)
Someone with whom we just “click.” Someone who we’d still be friends with even if the romantic element were gone.
23 Things That Happen In Your Last Semester Of College
Cry when you leave your campus job and do all kinds of sentimental “award” things and goodbye speeches for people. Make some more statuses about your disbelief.
17 Signs You Were Meant To Be A Teacher
You have an affinity for blue fun tack, laminating things and Mr. Sketch markers.