January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
36 Common Insecurities Girls Have That Boys Could Not Care Less About
“Wide noses are cute AF and they just make your septum piercings look even better. “
How You Learn How To Love, According To Your Zodiac
Gemini: You learn how to love by reinventing and reexamining your priorities.
What Causes Your Heart To Break, According To Your Zodiac
Aquarius: Your heart breaks when others have been told misinformation and are blinded by ignorance.
The Most Common Lies You Tell, According To Your Zodiac
Taurus: You tend to lie about being busy.
30 Lottery Winner Stories (That Don’t Always Have Happy Endings)
A lady I worked with won $1,000,000 on a $20 scratch ticket.
27 Rags To Riches Stories That Will Inspire You To Chase Your Dreams
Winfrey was born into a poor family in Mississippi, but this didn’t stop her from winning a scholarship to Tennessee State University and becoming the first African-American TV correspondent in the state at the age of 19.
What Your Biggest First Date Insecurity Is, According To Your Zodiac
Leo: Your biggest first date insecurity is that you will talk about yourself too much on the date
30 Motivational Stories To Push You Forward In Life
These motivational stories will encourage you to follow your dreams, treat others with kindness, and never give up on yourself.
What You Should Do When You Realize They Aren’t Worth It
You are worth more than this person is making you feel.
This Is What Makes You Feel Vulnerable In A Relationship, According To Your Zodiac
Aquarius: You are vulnerable learning new emotional mannerisms
77 Millennial Slang Words That Will Have You Shook
Thirst trap – A sexy photograph or flirtatious message posted on social media.
100 Funny Animal Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Wildly
How did Noah see the animals in the Ark at night? With flood lighting.
Exactly What Makes A Date Disastrous For You, According To Your Zodiac
Capricorn: A date is disastrous for you if your date acts like they are the most important person in the room
10 Relationship Struggles Only Unromantic People Can Appreciate
Romance does not come easy to you so you second guess everything
What Your Achilles Heel Is, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Gemini: Your achilles heel is self-expression.
The Emotion You Can’t Help Feeling Intensely, According To Your Zodiac
Aquarius: Annoyed
The Secret To Escaping The Anxieties Of Real Life, Based On Your Zodiac
Pisces: Allow yourself to be inspired by others
15 Gross Little Things You Do When You’re Finally In A Forever Relationship
Show off your nastiest burps, but know that your partner still adores you