January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Being Successful Requires You To Be Okay With Discomfort, Self-Mastery Requires You To Fall In Love With It
We were built to grow. We are here to evolve.
When Each Zodiac Sign Is The Most Tempted To Text Their Ex
TAURUS: Late at night when you’re alone in bed and wishing you had someone to cuddle.
How He’ll Ask You Out Based On His Zodiac Sign
ARIES: He’ll vaguely ask to hang out and you won’t know whether it’s a date or not.
Why You Should Put The Wine Down And Stop Drinking For A While (Based On Your Zodiac)
TAURUS: Because drinking isn’t going to take your loneliness away.
30 Stories From People Who Had Enough Guts To Ask Out Their Crush
I told him how I felt, and he said, “Cool it would have taken me way longer to tell you!” And then we high-fived.
Attention Whores, Here Are Some Healthy Ways To Get More Attention
Don’t text your ex. Don’t start drama. Don’t post anything you’ll regret on social media. Try these healthier ways to get attention instead.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Should Be Proud Of Themselves This October
PISCES: You should be proud of yourself because you’ve stepped away from toxic people who are only a drain on your life.
Each Zodiac Sign’s Dating Strength
TAURUS: You’re good at getting others to feel comfortable in your presence.
Why She Isn’t Swiping Right On You, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
CAPRICORN: If there are spelling issues in your bio, she’s swiping left.
30 Fierce Comebacks Waiters And Retail Workers Can Give To Their Rudest Customers
“You’d look better if you smiled.”
“You’d look better if you showered.”
Why You’re Not Chasing After Your Dreams, Based On Your Zodiac
LEO: Because you have too many other things on your plate right now. You’re not considering your dreams a priority.
55 Animated Movies To Watch While You Cuddle Your Forever Person
Grave of the Fireflies. Never would have thought that an animated movie could make me cry like a little bitch.
30 Bitter Truths It’s Hard To Accept When You Have A Soft Heart
No matter how much you love someone, give someone, or sacrifice for someone, that will not guarantee that they will love you back.
Why You’re Scared To Enter Another Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
LEO: You realize you’re at the point where your relationship is either going to end in a breakup or marriage. And both of those potentials scare you.
What Each Zodiac Sign Should Do Before October 2019 Ends
CANCER: Give yourself a me day. A day where you don’t do favors for anyone else. A day where you only focus on yourself.
These Spooky Stories Will Put You In The Halloween Spirit
My fiance and his friends visited this old lady every day after school for nearly a year. She was always nice to them, and her house was always kept very clean and tidy. One day, when they were on their way to her house after school, a man stopped them and asked where they were heading, and when they told him, he said that lady was his grandma. She died in a house fire a decade earlier. My now fiance and his friends went to her house anyway, and found all the furniture old and covered in dust and cobwebs.
What Happened To Me Proves That Facebook Knows Too Much
Even the site knew they had crossed the line.
How He’s Going To Break Your Heart, Based On His Zodiac Sign
TAURUS: He’s going to lead you on for months — and never ask you out officially.