5 Inspirational Disney Quotes Applied To 20-Somethings
Top 5 Shocking Reasons Why Men Hire Prostitutes

If you asked all your male friends if they’ve ever visited a prostitute, you might be surprised by their honest answer.
How To Date A Capricorn
20 Thoughts That Have Gone Through My Head On A First Date

Dating is dangerous! It’s a big risk going out with a complete stranger. But sometimes, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.
17 Emotions Every Girl Experiences When She’s PMSing
To The One That Will Love Her Next

Sometimes she’ll go to sleep squeezing your hand so tight you’re almost positive she needs you to save her from something.
35 Guaranteed Steps To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You
5 Things All Smart, Independent Women Should Be Asking Themselves Every Day

Forget the horoscopes, the fortune-tellers and even the long-winded wine-down’s with friends; the real answers to your life’s most difficult questions are easier to obtain than you might think.
10 Important Things All Healthy Couples Talk About (Before Getting Engaged)
How To Kill Yourself (And Be Reborn As The Best Version of Yourself)

No, when I say “kill yourself” I want you to hear: kill your parents. Slay the expectations they implanted within you, choke the traditions they noosed to your spine.
15 Undeniable Signs Your Roommate Is Actually Your Soulmate
16 Things That Happen When You’re A Night Owl AND An Early Bird
How To Find The Person Who Will Give You Goosebumps

This is not about finding your soulmate. This is not about finding the one person in the entire world that you could ever, possibly be happy with. I don’t think that’s a thing.
17 People Share Online Dating Horror Stories
10 Famous Writers And Their Daily Creative Routines

“I write in the morning and then go home about midday and take a shower, because writing, as you know, is very hard work, so you have to do a double ablution. Then I go out and shop — I’m a serious cook — and pretend to be normal.”