Madison Moore
Author of How To Be A Pop Star.
51 Questions Only White People Ask
16. When is our table gonna be ready? You said 20 minutes and right now it’s 21 minutes.
When To Play With His Balls And When To Leave Them Alone
5 Criticisms Of The Kid Who Got Into All 8 Ivy League Schools (And Why They’re Ridiculous)
For any mere mortal, getting admitted to or even wait-listed at one Ivy League school is a huge feat, so getting in to all of them is big news indeed.
20 Bartenders Reveal What Your Drink Says About You
Did you know that in Japan no one orders sake bombs….EVER?
22 People Share Their Unethical (But Extremely Effective) Life Hacks
Apparently if you tell someone you’ve never orgasmed from oral sex it will make them try harder!
5 Signs You’re Dating Someone Who Is Emotionally Unavailable
When you’re dating an emotionally unavailable person it often seems like you’re trying to walk against the traffic down a one-way street, rather than having room for you both to move down the sidewalk together.
7 Reasons People Fall Out Of Love
Never go to bed angry.
The 9 Majors With The Hottest Guys
Or excuse me, “Concentrations.”
32 Things Every College Student Should Know
If you’re not happy with the way something is on your campus, change it. It’ll be great for giving you a sense of purpose, and it will look great on your resume too.
6 Things You Should Never Say To Introverts
Don’t let the extroverts get to you.
For Colored Boys Who Love White Boys
“Another black guy who is racist against his own people!” He blocked me immediately.
17 Things That Instantly Make All Guys Hot
5. When he hands you a clean STD screening!
20 Shocking Facts You Won’t Believe Are True (But Are)
90% of U.S. money has cocaine on it. I am sniffing my bills but nothing is happening.
9 Songs You Should Be Listening To Right Now
5 Things That Happen When Your Sister Has Her First Child
My mom texted me a picture of my nephew in his little Batman costume on Halloween and it was a total awe-fest.
32 People Reveal The One Book That Blew Their Minds
There are probably a handful of books out there that have changed the way you see everything — fiction and non-fiction.
22 People Share The Weird Things They Do In Private
Are you sure you’re wiping correctly?
14 Beyoncé Covers That Are Better Than The Original
There’s a girl in here who might actually be the real Beyoncé.