Madison Moore
Author of How To Be A Pop Star.
21 Women Tell Straight Guys What It Takes To Be “Good” In Bed
Making noise ranks HIGH on the list.
Read This If You Want Your Long Distance Relationship To Last
The most difficult thing about being in an open relationship is more than the threat of drifting apart.
Read This If You’re Wondering Whether He’s “Into” You
You’ve met someone you really like. You hang out and the chemistry is there, at least for you anyway. But suddenly you find yourself in a dark pool of radio silence.
13 People Share What It’s Like Living On $100,000 Per Year
I still somehow never have any money. Making more money means buying more things means less money at the end of the month.
You Should Date An INTP
An INTP understands that relationships aren’t about having a “better half” or “someone to complete you.”
5 Signs Your Ex Was A Complete Narcissist
1. The Narcissist Is More Interested In Being Liked By You Than Liking You When you’re dating a narcissist you can’t help but feel like they’re more interested in the fact that you like them than they are in establishing…
Here’s A Fascinating Survey About Sexual Racism Every Gay Guy Needs To Read
“I don’t find them aesthetically pleasing to look at. I can actually feel physically sick at the sight of too much black flesh.” Oh.
12 Signs You Are Definitely A Single Male
2. Your relationship with the guy at the bodega or the person who takes your order at the takeout place is prob your most meaningful relationship.
18 Things That Happen When You Lose The Love Of Your Life
12. You’ll sleep with the stuffed animal they gave you when you first started dating as you wonder if you will ever be able to love like that again, if anyone will love you the way they did.
What A $1,300 Apartment Looks Like In 8 Cities
Looks so cool but not sure I would trust a building with “Free Heat.”
6 New Songs You Should Have On Repeat
Here are six brand new songs you should play until you can’t hear anymore.
28 Things That Happen When You First Move To London
13. You will never have any money at all, ever.
25 Powerful Insights From Maya Angelou That Will Change Your Life
Pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.
22 Everyday Feelings That Are Actually Better Than Sex
I’ll still take an orgasm tho, lol.
32 Side Effects Of Having A Crush On Someone
24. Hair loss due to high levels anxiety.
11 Words That Will Make You Sound Super Freaking Smart
Impress your friends!
47 Thoughts Everyone Has During Sex
19. I am awesome.