January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
What Each Zodiac Hates The Most About Their Heart
ARIES: They have their walls up so high that they can’t remember what it feels like to tear them down.
30 Anonymous People Admit To Dark Things That Happened In Their Secluded Hometown
“So there is this building that used to be a hotel and one day this guy shows up and he takes multiple trips going in and out with a bunch of equipment. They found him a little while later in his room. He had assembled an entire guillotine and cut his head off.”
How Each Zodiac Sign Makes Their Heartache Even Worse After A Breakup
CANCER: You isolate yourself and stop leaving the house.
What Each Zodiac Sign Should Stop Waiting Around For
AQUARIUS: Stop waiting for someone else to love you — and give yourself the love you deserve.
How Each Zodiac Sign Is Disgustingly Adorable In A Relationship
AQUARIUS: You reblog a million articles about how you’ve found your forever person.
You Might Accidentally Be Chasing Guys Away By Doing These 33 Things On The First Date
If they start complaining about having to walk a short way.
Why Each Zodiac Feels Like They Should Be Over Their Ex By Now
LIBRA: You feel like you should be over your ex by now because you haven’t even seen them in forever.
Why Each Zodiac Can Come Across As Cold-Hearted
GEMINI: Because you never let your emotions show on your face.
What Each Zodiac Sign Prioritizes Above Their Relationship
ARIES: Themselves. Because they need to take care of themselves before they take care of anyone else.
Why He Has No Idea You’re Flirting With Him, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
TAURUS: You only ‘flirt’ by liking his social media posts — and he has no idea what that means.
30 R-Rated British Words You Can Use To Insult Someone
Be careful where you use these words…
30 Ways To Spend Your Weekend When You Only Have 20 Bucks To Spare
Two words: Box. Wine.
30 Romantic Things Your Boyfriend Wishes You Would Do (Because Sex Isn’t Enough)
Hugs your arm randomly. Makes her feel safe and makes you feel like a man.
What You Would Never Realize Each Zodiac Sign Is Super Insecure About
VIRGO: You’re worried you’re going to screw up every good thing that happens to you.
40 Deep Questions That Will Bring You Closer To Your Forever Person
Which parallel universe versions of yourself would you want to meet and why?
What Each Zodiac Keeps Forgetting Lately
CANCER: That your smallest acts of kindness can make a difference.
33 Of The Smoothest Pickup Lines You’ll Ever Hear
Had to change out of my clothes and into my bathing suit in a park and asked my friend if he’d seen my boobs. “No, but could we fix that?” Yeah. We fixed that.
How You Screw Up Every Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
VIRGO: You’re too controlling. You want everything to be perfect. You freak out when the tiniest thing goes wrong instead of going with the flow and enjoying your time with your person.