How He'll Ask You Out Based On His Zodiac Sign

How He’ll Ask You Out Based On His Zodiac Sign


He’ll vaguely ask to hang out and you won’t know whether it’s a date or not.


He’ll ask you out over text because he’s too nervous to do it in person.


He’ll ask you out by sliding into your DMs.


He’ll ask you out with a grand, romantic gesture.


He’ll ask you out pretty straightforwardly. He’ll even use the word date.


He’ll casually invite you out for drinks without letting you know whether he’s interested in sex or a relationship.


He’ll hint at how much he wants to go out with you, but he’ll wait for you to make the first move.


He’ll ask you out at the last second, right before he wants to hang out.


He’ll ask you to get drinks with him — but he’ll never specify the time or place.


He’ll ask you out when he’s wasted because he’s too nervous to do it sober.


He’ll casually ask you whether you’re free and see how you respond before putting his heart on the line.


He’ll ask you out on a double date or somewhere that involves a big group of people. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.