January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
Here’s What Type Of Psychic Ability You Might Have, Based On Your ‘Random’ Anxieties
What we fear most can shed light on what our gifts are.
15 Things That Happen When You Have A ‘Happy Personality’ But An Anxious Mind
It’s hard to realize that you can be an inherently happy person and still struggle with anxious feelings. Here, a few signs that’s your case.
This Is The One Thing You Shouldn’t Underestimate About Her, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
You may think of her as the outgoing, talkative, creative and fun friend, but underneath it all, Geminis have a secret layer of strength that is only revealed every once in a while.
16 Ways Empaths, Intuitives And Sensitive People Take On An Unfair Amount Of Emotional Labor
We become makeshift therapists to everyone from our best friends to the person we meet on line at the grocery store.
This Is How She Wants To Be Loved, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Aquarius is one of the best lovers, they’ll give you everything they’ve got and will want to foster a kind of can’t-live-without-it love.
8 Things You Need To Realize If You Think Life Would Be Better If You Were In A Relationship
If you don’t figure out how to be happy and free now, you will never be able to be content and coupled later.
17 Things That Happen When Two Old Souls Start Dating
You are truly best friends and partners, and you’re capable of being all of these things to one another because you worked so hard on yourselves beforehand.
Here’s What Crystal You Need, Based On What You Want To Manifest In Your Life This Year
Citrine, while beautiful, is also the stone for prosperity and abundance. It’s also known as the “Merchant’s Stone,” and can help you remove blocks to financial gains and find new opportunities.
Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your ‘Life Path Number’
To figure out what your life path number is, click here. Life Path 1 You’re the alpha girlfriend. You’re the one who seems to have it all: you’re driven, social, independent, tough and assertive.
Here’s What Your Life Path Number Is, And How It Will Affect Your Relationships This Year
Your life path number can give insight as to what you’re here to learn in this life, and how you can really find fulfillment. Here’s how to do it.
Here’s Why You’re Not In Love (Yet), Based On Your Jungian Personality Archetype
If you’re having trouble in your relationships as a “Hero,” it’s because you’re attracting people who need help, not who want to be loved.
This Is How Much Hot Girls Get Paid To Promote That Tea You See All Over Instagram
Enter — Arianna Dantone. An athlete and YouTuber who posted this tweet on October 6th exposing the promotion price, alongside the caption “this is why people sell out lmao WOW.“
R.I.P. Vine: We’ve Rounded Up The 10 Best Vines Of All Time To Help You Mourn
Sweet, sweet Vine. You will be missed.
Here’s How To Tell If Someone Really Loves You, Based On Their Attachment Style
People with disorganized attachments have the hardest time adjusting to life in a relationship, and often find themselves re-creating the detrimental patterns of their past.
This Is How Much Your Favourite Youtubers Make Per Month (Disclaimer: It’s Messed Up)
Seriously, can you imagine making one million dollars per month? On your main channel alone? Not even taking in to account sponsorship deals through other platforms like Instagram, or campaign contracts? It’s mind blowing.
15 Hard Life Lessons People Who Are Happiest In Their 30s Learned In Their 20s
They forgive their parents.
25 Things You Should Stop Justifying By Age 25
Being mean for the sake of bonding with other people. You either need more interests, or new friends.
Here’s What Your Inner Cheerleader Wishes You Would Realize, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Taurus: Unhappiness is a good enough reason to leave.