Brandon Scott Gorrell

I am the co-publisher of Thought Catalog. Follow me on Twitter. I also use a pen name called Holden Desalles.
Articles by
Brandon Scott Gorrell
Rating Movies By How Well They Glamorize The Misery Of Being Rich
There’s a class of movie that has at its center the basic idea of “character who has everything on the outside, but has just figured out that s/he has nothing on the inside.” Arguably one of the lessons of these…
The “Food Babe” Blogger Who’s Warned Millions Of Readers About “Toxins” In Food Is Apparently A Fake Who’s Making A Lot Of Stuff Up
She’s built a massive following of over a million fans, was named one of the Most Influential People on the Internet by Time, and wrote a New York Times Bestseller.
The Goriest Part Of Giving Birth That No One Will Tell You About
First person who’s able to get all the way through this story without LITERALLY DYING wins.
50 Short Jokes And Puns That Will Get You A Laugh Every Time
A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
14 People Described Something That Happened To Them That They Still Can’t Explain, And Their Stories Are CREEPY
“Something happened one day we can’t even logically explain and my husband doesn’t like to talk about it because he doesn’t believe in any of that stuff.”
12 Huge Things Overly Considerate People Do Every Day That Literally No One Will Ever Thank Us For
We will pay for food we didn’t order and thank the server for terrible service.
10 Surprising & Weird Things That Have Been Scientifically Proven To Affect Your Sex Life
How many people you’ve had sex with in the past twelve months.
25 Quick Jokes That’ll Get You A Laugh The Next Time You Go Out With Your Friends
An Irishman Walks Out Of A Bar.
21 WTF Spoilers From The Game Of Thrones Books That Haven’t Happened In The Show Yet
It’s really insane. Lots of people die.
14 People From Different Nations Describe What Their Country’s Version Of A “Redneck” Is (With Pics)
“Redneck,” “hick,” and “hillbilly” can all describe different types of people, and are certainly stereotypes that can not accurately portray any one individual. These terms can also be derogatory, while some self-identifying “rednecks” and etc.
24 People Answer: “If You Had The Chance, Would You Get Back With The ‘One Who Got Away’?”
I also just got back together with mine. It’s still new, but it feels like nothing ever changed, like we just picked up where we left off. I guess there are some people you’re meant to be with.
17 Things People Born In 1982, 1983, And 1984 Are Going Through Right Now
You don’t care about going to concerts anymore. You especially don’t care about getting in the front row of concerts anymore. The front row is just not important at all anymore.
45 Things That Awkward, Quiet People Are Secretly Plagued By
Days when no one can hear what you’re saying because you can’t stop mumbling everything you say.
6 Hilarious And Horrifying Restaurants You Should Never Go To, As Told By Its Customers
Our two for one drinks, one of which was non-alcoholic, cost us $27. Really, a rum and coke and a virgin cocktail normally costs $54 for lunch? Really? We had to ask someone in charge to explain the bill to us. He said that really each drink was two drinks, so we didn’t have two drinks between us, but rather 4.
21 Brutal Truths About The World That Might Make You Realign Your Priorities
Nobody knows when their last goodbye is…
Watch This 11-Year-Old Get Surprised With Some Of The Biggest News Of His Life (Wait For His Reaction)
Not sure if tears of joy or immense jealousy/ rage/ sadness.
Is This The Most Terrifying Malaysian Airliner Theory Of Them All?
As the mystery of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance continues to baffle the world, the people over at Reddit have started making some wild speculations about what happened to the airplane.
Vid Of SXSW Attendees Professing To Love Bands That Don’t Exist Perfectly Sums Up Hipsters In 5 Minutes
“They’re right on point with [Neil Patrick Harassment]. I think they have a lot of working up to do. I mean, they have a great following, so I think they could make it up to that point.”