11 Things You Need To Know Before You Date A Capricorn

Something to keep in mind: Capricorns have the highest standards in the Zodiac.
Something to keep in mind: Capricorns have the highest standards in the Zodiac.
Maybe in another universe I texted you back. I said I still think about you too. I admitted there’s still a chunk of my heart that’s marked by your fingerprints.
Let’s be friends for the narcissist means let’s be friends — with benefits. Don’t fall for the “let’s be friends” ploy. Doing so will land you straight in La La land, where you will spend months, if not years, tolerating their multiple sex partners, disappearing acts, and your making monthly visits to the doctor’s office to ensure you haven’t contracted an STD.
I can’t hold you back. because you can’t hold back what isn’t yours and you certainly were never mine.
You deserve the biggest love in the world. And despite my flaws, I can give that to you. I can give you what you need and what you want. I won’t always do the right things, or say the right words, but I will always know that I love you.
Just because I’ve loved before doesn’t mean that my heart is flimsy and weak. It doesn’t mean that I go around giving it to everyone I meet. It doesn’t meant that my words mean less when they come from a mouth that’s kissed prior to you, or hands that have held other hands.
The “pretty filter” captures a Scorpio woman’s mysterious, often unattainable, vibe.
You’re tired of pretending you’re okay. You’re tired of saying there is nothing wrong with you when there is, you’re tired of having to lie to people about what’s going on and you’re tired of pretending to be strong and smiling when all you want to do is cry. You wish you could just let everyone know what’s wrong with you so they can leave you alone but you know that’s not possible.
There’s something delicious and terrible about a place that used to be buzzing with life slowly crumbling, becoming a barren wasteland before our very eyes.
You are not weak for loving them and you are not weak for thinking that they might have changed because you honestly want the best for the people you love.
The thing is, if you’re trying to convince someone that they should be with you, that they should commit to you, that they should love you, you’ve already lost.
Everyone has bad days, days where they feel defeated and like the world is against them, but the most important thing to remember is that bad days don’t last.