I Wish I Could Hate Him, But I’m Not That Kind Of Girl

I refuse to fill myself with hate just because things didn’t go how I wanted them to. That’s for everything in life.
This Is The Side Of Living With Herpes That No One Talks About (But We All Should)

The stigma of genital herpes overshadowed pieces of myself that I vowed I’d never lose sight of—my confidence, my weirdness, my true sense of self.
I Hope It’s Enough That I’m Admitting I Like You

This might sound like a list of nothings to you, but this list right here, it means everything to me.
There’s Something Spooky About The Way A Man Died At My Restaurant, And I Don’t Know If Anyone Can Explain It

I remember hearing the sirens and seeing the ambulance’s lights in the distance, but my focus was elsewhere.
If We Could Start Over, Would You Let Me Go Again?

See, my head is full of imaginary scenarios, and false hope that takes up too much space. Because even though we ended a long time ago, I still have a tiny bit of hope inside of me. I still believe. And that’s what makes it worse. Because you don’t owe me anything anymore.
13 Perfect Reasons To Date The Low-Maintenance Girl
Accepting Wealth: What Acquiring Money Feels Like After A Lifetime Of Being A Starving Artist
Maybe We’re A Generation Of Narcissists Or Maybe We Are The First Generation To Live For Ourselves

I think many of us have been so afraid to be self oriented and be called selfish for most of our lives that we have made a habit for living for our world and other people, and self sacrificed our real dreams.
It Really Is That Simple: How I Quit The Life I Hated And Built An Empire Doing What I Love

I’m sick of hearing people say, “Not everyone can” and shorting themselves the experience of being successful at what they love. I am tired of the excuses we make to stay locked into things we have outgrown or never wished to be in in the first place. This isn’t a dress rehearsal for life.
This Is How You’re Slowly Falling Out Of Love Without Even Realizing It

You used to love the way they made fun of your dance moves and they way they bear hugged you constantly. But now, all those little things you used to love about them, annoy you. You don’t find it charming or funny anymore, you just want it all to stop.
Take Your Time To Heal

You are calling yourself worthless and weak again because you feel like you are taking too long to heal too long to be ‘normal’ again and it makes me ache inside to watch you tear yourself down this way.
When You Fall For The Guy Who Still Loves His Ex

You’ll eventually pick up on the unusual tone of how he speaks of her. Maybe he brings her up too frequently in conversations. Or maybe it’s the opposite– each time you ask a casual question about her, he wears a pained expression.
You’re Undoubtedly Dating Your Soulmate If These 20 Things Happen During Arguments

Even if your partner swears that they’re fine, you know when they’re pissed off at you by the way that they’re fidgeting and by the fake smile they’re wearing.
Why My Life Got A Thousand Times Better When I Stopped Dating
This year, something revolutionary happened to my love life: I moved to New York.
Please Don’t Hold On To What You’ve Already Let Go Of

You’ve put the past behind you. You’ve let go. Whether a person or town, a bad memory or heartache, you’ve learned that you cannot cling to the familiar anymore.
28 Insanely Sexy Ways To Turn On A Man

Sit on his lap when you’re out in public together. He’ll want you, but he won’t be able to have you, which will make him extra hard.
I Want You To Know Who I Am When My Soul Is Naked

It’s easy to get naked with you, to lie in your bed, whisper words that have no meaning in your ear, but that’s not what I’m after. I want someone who touches my soul more than my body.