When You Fall For The Guy Who Still Loves His Ex


When you fall for a guy who’s still in love with his ex, you probably won’t realize it at first. He’s hooking up with you; he’s obviously not that broken up about his last relationship.

When you fall for a guy who’s still in love with his ex, you may begin to notice that he has good days and bad days. Sometimes it seems like he can’t keep his hands off you, and other days he’s standoffish and treats you with disinterest.

When you fall for a guy who’s still in love with his ex, you’ll eventually pick up on the unusual tone of how he speaks of her.
Maybe he brings her up too frequently in conversations and a wistful look overcomes his face. You’ll awkwardly stand and listen; you don’t want to rudely interrupt him but you’d rather discuss just about anything else in the world than this. Or maybe it’s the opposite– each time you ask a casual question about her, he wears a pained expression and changes the topic as soon as possible. It’s evident that he would rather discuss just about anything else in the world.

When you fall for a guy who’s still in love with his ex, you may spot her name pop up every so often on his phone. You try not to dwell on it; it’s perfectly normal for exes to remain friends and nothing to over analyze.

But as you spend more time with this man, you’ll wonder when you two will ever break out of the “talking” phase and enter a full-fledged relationship. You’re pretty confident he’s only seeing you, so what’s the deal? You’ve been stressing about it for days, but after innumerable pep talks with your friends you finally muster up the courage to utter the dreaded “what are we.”

He responds with a noncommittal answer of how you two are “hanging out.” It took you immense effort to conjure enough confidence to ask to this much, so before you even process your next move you suddenly blurt out

“Are you still in love with your ex?”

Your boldness takes both of you by surprise. He stares at you, mouth agape, contemplating how he’s going to answer the question, but his hesitation already answered the question for you.

Deep down you know that if you fell for a man who wasn’t still in love with his ex, he would have immediately answered no. Better yet, there wouldn’t have even been signs that compelled you to ask. Most people, men and women alike, are eager to put their past relationships behind them, so if you suspect someone to not be over their ex, you’re probably right.

If you fall for a guy who’s still in love with his ex, you need to accept it and move on. It may be hard, but what’s even harder is living with the knowledge that another woman still occupies his heart. You could put all of your energy into trying to win him over- you’ll cook his favorite foods, perpetually ready to have sex, and wait at his every beck and call. But not only will this be useless, you don’t deserve the burden of filling someone else’s shoes.

You deserve a man whose thoughts revolve around only you and who chooses you just as much as you choose him. So if you fall in love with an ex, let him go– the love of your life is waiting for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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