21 People On The One Terrible Piece Of Advice They’re Glad They Never Followed
When my dad told me to ‘play the field.’ No thanks.
When my dad told me to ‘play the field.’ No thanks.
Anybody who talks about how good the “good old days” were, either has a bad memory or wasn’t there!
This will make you feel things.
It’s a shame how many are going to take these snaps as fact, how many are going to watch the video or read the transcript and rush to condemn her without considering that snaps are easy to tamper with. There are two sides to every story.
Sometimes I feel fearless. Sometimes I feel afraid. But I’m still learning that regardless of these feelings, I am still strong. I am still capable.
To those who are “almosts” or have many, don’t give up. Your almosts are practices, bringing you that much closer to what you may not know you want.
I’ll be there whenever you need me; I’ll be there even for the times you don’t. I’ll be there because that’s what sisters do—and you won’t have to ask. Whenever you call, I’ll pick up the phone. I’ll share your laughs and your fears, your painful moments and best memories.
Somehow, the closer I got to you, the further I drifted from myself. Somehow, liking you more made me like myself less.
“Okay, I sound like an ass, but sometimes I like my ex’s pictures, just to mess with her.”
Everyone loves a well-executed DIY gift because it combines personal touch with a useful product.
If you were late to the #KimExposedTaylorParty…Here’s what you missed.
Love me for me. Every bit of brokenness. Every ounce of pain and every quiet unsure response. Take it and mold it in your hand with so much gentleness that every curve becomes secure in complete happiness.
You don’t get to come into her life again when she’s trying to heal and reopen the wounds, the wounds that you left her with.
He sends you good morning texts every single day, so you always have something nice to wake up to.
“You should never let a man touch your vagina if there’s even the slightest chance he could have hot sauce on his hands.”
I hope you know you shine through all the hate. Shine through the rocks and taunts being thrown at your head. Stay strong just like you taught millions of little girls to do. Stay fearless just like how you taught all of us to be.
If you do something ridiculous like accidentally drool or trip while walking, embrace how silly you look. Everyone loves someone who go with the flow and giggle at life’s little mishaps instead of getting upset.
Every American with an interest in horror has a version of the Jersey Devil that they have heard, witnessed, or believed. It is as timeless as American horror itself.