50 Things Men Want Women To Know


“Get a job if you wanna fix something!” You don’t jump into a relationship and expect to be able to fix the man. Oh does he have no job, no high school diploma, no GED, no work experience, no license, no place to live, no money, and to top it off he doesn’t care that he has none of those things? Ok don’t get into the relationship just so you can change all of that about him. A man is not a project to be worked on. He can work on fixing those things himself. If he doesn’t want to fix those things about himself then ditch him. If you have this absolute jerk that is abusive, trifling, and all around one of the worst men in the world, don’t stay with him because you want to change him into a better person. If you think you can save the relationship because you have hopes that you can change him then why be with him? What’s the point of being with someone you have to change when you can be with someone you don’t need to change at all? Men are not moldable pieces of clay so don’t feel like you have the right to force them to change. Would you stay if they were trying to change you? Would you want them to try to change you? No. You get sassy and say “I’m never going to let a man change who I am!” So why are you trying to do it to him?

22. Get off his Facebook

“What are the repercussions for blocking my girlfriend?” A guy doesn’t mind if you comment on a post of his or two. You can even comment on a picture of him but don’t post “I love you” and mushy love crap on his wall all the time. Don’t comment on every thread that has anything to do with him with how much you love him. Don’t mention him in every post you make so it tags him. Once again, this makes you out to be the stalker that’s hiding underneath his car to get a look at him. Great, you love him but seriously do you have to make yourself out to be overly obsessive? Do you do it just so other people will know that you love him? There’s no point in that. You have nothing to prove to anyone else.

23. Don’t give the silent treatment

“I’m not going to talk about it later if you give me the cold shoulder now.” First of all, ANYONE who gives the silent treatment is extremely immature. If you’re mad at him about something, fine, but don’t sit there and ignore him because of some disagreement. You don’t care to talk to him then maybe he doesn’t care to stay with you. Ignoring someone is the most childish way to handle a situation. Talk to him about it, don’t yell at him about it, and don’t just ignore him until he leaves you alone.

24. Don’t continue with an argument when he doesn’t want to talk about it

“Just let it go!” If you’re having a disagreement and he just says, “Let’s not talk about this, it’s getting out of hand,” don’t keep bring it up. Unless this argument is something that will make or break the relationship, don’t keep throwing it in his face. This makes you look like you enjoy the drama. It makes you look like you can’t handle him having the last word. Some arguments are just not worth it and can easily be resolved if you just drop it. Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with just dropping something.

25. Don’t hold his past wrong doings over his head

“Do you understand what the word ‘forgive’ means or did you just say it and thought it would work later?” Did he do something in the past and you can’t let it go? If you can’t let it go then let go of the relationship. Personally, I don’t understand women who forgive men who cheat, but if you do forgive him, don’t hold it over his head. Holding it over his head is not forgiving him. So when you’re having a fight and you yell that he cheated on you so you can win, who’s the real loser there? Is it the man who thought the situation had been worked through or the woman who won’t let it go because now she has leverage? When you yell out of nowhere that he cheated on you, doesn’t that mean you can’t accept anything he does because at one point in time, he cheated on you? If it still bothers you, you’re not over it so don’t tell him you forgive him and then later on you’re crying on the ground because of something he did in the past.


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