50 Things Men Want Women To Know

12. Stop saying “But I love him!” to justify your relationship

“They always go for jerks then cry on my damn shoulder!” Sometimes the guy is just a jerk. When you send him a message and he takes a few days to respond with only a few words and doesn’t even apologize for it, then he’s a jerk. If you have to ask if he’s using you for sex, then he’s probably using you for sex. If you cry because he’s constantly insulting you then he’s no good. If he cheats on you and crushes the very essence of your soul, he’s no good. Even if you love this man, it doesn’t mean you need him. Loving someone doesn’t mean they’re good for you. Loving someone doesn’t obligate you to stay with him.

13. Stop spreading your legs and then expect people to not say you’re easy

“If you’re gonna give it up easy then I’m gonna expect it easy.” If you’re the type of person to sleep with someone on the first date, have a one night stand on the regular basis, or just have sex with some guy you hardly know, don’t expect him to see you as a classy lady. He sees you as free and easy sex. You don’t start with sex and expect the serious and loving relationship to come up after it. You start with sex, you end with sex. That is all you will be them. If you’re extremely lucky, you’ll meet the guy who actually does want something more. Good luck with that. When this man comes up to you again, don’t get upset that he’s only there for more sex because a woman who wants a meaningful relationship actually strays from sex in the beginning.

14. Slapping

“If that bitch puts her hands on me one more time!” You’re out meeting his friends and you’re all having a good time. Your boyfriend says something that is absolutely hilarious, so you laugh then you turn around and slap him. He says something a little naughty so you slap him for being a bad boy. Maybe he flirts with you and you slap him to be playful. This is unacceptable. Unless the guy likes the whole S&M/dominatrix thing, he doesn’t like being slapped in the face all the time. He’s a grown man in an abusive relationship and like it or not, it’s abuse. If a man did the same thing, he’d be in jail. People tend to hate being slapped around so keep your hands off him.

15. Don’t hold something against him that you already talked to him about

“What is this? The Grudge?” Let’s say he’s doing something that really upsets you. You talk it out with him and work it all out, but you’re still upset about something. You still have some issues. If you have issues, you talk to him about it when you’re talking it out with him. The point of talking it out is to get it all out in the open. So when you hold back something and you’re upset that he’s doing something, he doesn’t understand what’s wrong! He thought you worked it out and everything was fine! A year later you bring it up in an argument that has nothing to do with it and he’s just baffled! If you have a problem, get it out in the open. Don’t sit on it and let it brew.


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