Sophie Wrenfield
This Is The Kind Of Boyfriend You Deserve, Based On Your Birth Month
OCTOBER: You deserve a boyfriend who shows you the same warmth and affection that you so readily give to everyone else.
Why You Didn’t Fall In Love In 2017 (In 5 Words), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: You wanted fairytales, not reality.
How To Find Love In 2018 (In 5 Words), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius: Put yourself out there, unapologetically.
This Is What Kind Of Boyfriend You Need, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Capricorn: A boyfriend who brings a softness to your life without ever trying to change your ambition or focus.
This Is Why You Didn’t Fall In Love In 2017, Based On Your Birth Month
October: Because you let other people have way too much say in your love life.
Why You Didn’t Fall In Love In 2017, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Scorpio: Because you wanted to keep a large part of yourself hidden, but you wanted the other person to be an open book.
Here’s Your Best Personality Trait (That People Can’t Get Enough Of), Based On Your Birth Month
October: You exude warmth, affection, and friendliness – people want to be around you, they want to be your friend, and they want to be more like you.
Here’s Your Best Personality Trait (That People Can’t Get Enough Of), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Aquarius: Your sense of innovation and resourcefulness – and the fact that you’re always looking at the world through a lens that most people have never experienced or even thought about.
This Is How You’ll Fall In Love In 2018, Based On Your Birth Month
January: Your ambition and your strong work ethic are two of your best characteristics, but the way you’ll fall in love in 2018 is by meeting someone who reminds you that there is so much life to be lived outside of work.
This Is How To Find Love In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Virgo: Allow your sense of pragmatism to have a say in your love life, but not full control over it. Be open with your heart. Tell your brain to shut up when it only wants to come up with reasons why something won’t work.
Here’s When You’ll Stop Being Single, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: When you stop looking at deep and amazing love as something only other people experience – and realize you are just as deserving (and capable) of experiencing true, incredible, over-the-moon love as anyone else in this world.
The Major Goal You Need To Accomplish By The End Of The Year, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Scorpio: Work on the jealousy you struggle with when it comes to other people’s success. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling jealous sometimes, but there is something wrong with letting it impact your actions.
The Piece Of Advice You Absolutely Need To Hear Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Pisces: Stop allowing other people’s opinions to dictate how you feel about yourself and your life. It’s time to stop asking permission to do what you want or to think how you want to think – if you want to be happy, you need to start deciding things and making choices for yourself.
The Number One Reason People Are Jealous Of You (In 5 Words), Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Libra: Your charisma is effortlessly genuine.
What It Means To Love A Taurus
When you love a Taurus, you truly learn that ‘home’ can be found in another person.
What It Means To Love A Gemini
When you love a Gemini, you live a life that involves growth, challenge, excitement, vulnerability, change, depth, and truth. Because when you love a Gemini, life is never boring.
This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Wait For (In 5 Words), Based On Your Birth Month
December: He’s both goofy and heartfelt.
How You Absolutely Know You’ve Found The One, Based On Your Birth Month
May: You’re with someone who can actually meet you at your level for once. Your partner feels like your equal and your companion – they’re just as hardworking as you, just as focused, and just as ready to be encouraging to you as you are to them.