Shani Jayawardena
I hold a mirror to your soul, so you can see how beautiful you are
Articles by
Shani Jayawardena
Love Is A Choice, And This Is Why I Choose To Love You
I choose to stand in the fire beside you.
Date Someone Who Makes You Feel Loved
Your heart always knows when it feels genuine love, and when it feels unsure.
This Is Why I Will Always Choose Love
When we choose love, we create more love.
If You’re Looking For Love To Make You Whole Again, Read This
If you’re looking for a love to make you whole again, don’t look out there.
9 New Year’s Resolutions For The Girls Learning To Love Themselves
“I will leave yesterday in the past, and focus on today.”
My Boyfriend Took Two Years To Say ‘I Love You’ And It Was Completely Worth The Wait
I empathize with him.
To All The Beautiful Souls Who Feel Unloved Today
Someone feels the sadness aching between the walls of you, and prays for it to be gone.
17 Signs He Really Is Just An Asshole And You Should GTFO
He expects you to drop all your plans to meet him at the time and place he suggests. As if you haven’t got a life of your own.
This Is What Loving Someone Really Looks Like, Because It’s Not All Sex, Dinners, And Roses
Loving someone is being open with your heart, even when it hurts.
This Is For You On The Days When You Feel Unloved
On the days when you feel unloved, know that love will never ever give up on you.
11 Habits I Promise To Quit In 2018
I will not swallow my truth. Because each time you do, your voice, your heart, and your soul shrink a little more.