Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

I Think I’ll Always Be Missing You

Every time I start falling for someone, I think of how I fell for you and suddenly I’m not even sure if I can ever fall for anyone the same way again. It’s like you were the fall I never really recovered from, you took the biggest part of my heart that I may not be able to get back.

12 Subtle Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying To You

Giving too much information. Sometimes liars overcompensate for their lies by providing too much information or explanations on the subject to make people think that what they’re saying is actually true.

I’m Never Going To Throw Away Your Pictures

Pictures can be a mini reflection of your life; of how time changes people, of how you changed, of how you thought certain people will always be in your life but now you barely even talk to them and it reminds you of how you can live without people you said you couldn’t live without.

10 Signs You’re On Your Way To Living Your Best Life

You stopped settling for almost or bad relationships. You understand what you want from someone and if that person is not willing to give you what you’re asking for, you don’t try to make it work or try to force it, you just let it go and try to move on. You’re no longer a slave to your expectations and fantasies and you’ve become emotionally stronger to handle these situations better than you used to.

Congratulations, You Just Won The Game

If all you wanted was my attention, you got it. If all you wanted was a rebound, you had it. If all you wanted was to prove that you can still make anyone fall for you to stroke your own ego, I fell for you. So congratulations, you won. You got what you wanted and left me with nothing. Are you happy now?

I Don’t Want A 21st Century Kind Of Love

I don’t want someone who’s living in pictures, who only wants what looks pretty, who picks profiles instead of souls. I want someone who looks beyond what they see on their screen, beyond what they read in a bio and someone who wants to date so they can find love instead of dating to run away from it.

I Don’t Want To Take Shortcuts In Life

I don’t want to take shortcuts to find love. I want to fall in love with a lot of wrong people and get heartbroken a few times, because this is how you grow, this how you become wiser and this is when you learn how to be compassionate, how to be kind and how fragile our hearts can be.