Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

You Were My Sea

I only wanted to feel you on my skin, trying to discover what’s underneath, little did I know that you bring people to you only to leave them drowning.

I Stopped Letting People Break Me 

I don’t cry every night when someone leaves anymore. I stopped wasting tears on people who wouldn’t shed a tear for me, I stopped giving people a free space in my heart when they kicked me out of theirs and I stopped letting people define my worth.

10 Times You Need To Turn To God Before Anyone Else 

When you’re tired of failing. Ask him to give you peace of mind, ask him to give you the faith you need to trust him and trust that this is all for a reason, that he is putting you through this for a bigger and better purpose and that he is not going to let you down. Ask him for patience to wait for the answers.

Why I’ll Always Believe In The Power Of Second Chances

Sometimes things make more sense the second time around. People change, you change and the universe changes, if we keep ourselves confined to first chances only, we will truly miss out on some of the most beautiful things in life.

I Will Forget You When You Forget Me

I will forget you when I feel like our story is over, when we’re running out of pages, but for now, we still have a lot of pages to fill, for now our story is being rewritten.

Maybe You Scare Them Because You’re Honest

Maybe you scare them because you value yourself, because you’re strong enough to walk away and because you’re smart enough to know your worth. Maybe they got so used to being put on a pedestal that they don’t know how to be anywhere else.