Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

Love Will Come Back When You’re Ready For It 

Love never really goes away, it gives us a few breaks, it may forget about us for a few months or maybe a few years, but it always comes back. It comes back when you’re ready for it and it comes back when you’ve let go of the idea that love destroys people.

I Blocked You Today

I blocked you today because I was ready to delete you and your memories from my life.

Maybe We Should Let Time Take Its Time

Time is a funny concept. The more you care about it, the more it eludes you, the more you wait for it, the longer it feels and the more you race against it, the more you lose.

You’re Allowed To Change

You’re allowed to change as long as you’re changing because you want to, not because people are asking you to. You’re allowed to change directions as long as you’re enjoying the drive.