Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Spoil Me With Your Love, Not Your Money

I don’t want thing. Things are just that—things—and they’ll never make me as happy as you giving me your heart and holding my heart safe in your hands.

I Love That You Don’t Love Me Yet

When the time comes, we will learn each other slowly; we will become love in a way that’s gentle and soft like waves in a tide pool. We will learn who we are when we are together, when our lives consist of more than ourselves.

You Are A Good Woman, And You Should Stand Tall

Please hold your head high when you know you are doing the right thing. Please keep your eyes focused forward when people try to pull you back. Please keep your sense of self, even when everything is crashing in on you and you’re terrified to take another step. You are enough. You are more than enough.

I Want To Fall In Love With Someone Who Makes Me Feel Young

I want to fall in love with someone who makes me feel young. Young, in the sense of uncontrollable laughter, young in the sense of appreciating the simple things, young in the way we will be silly and childish and celebrate each other, every single day.

I Will Always Pick Up, Every Time You Call

See, I’d rather be the girl you know felt something real than the girl who pretends you never mattered. Because no matter our outcome, you always mattered, and always will.

Have Faith In God’s Plan, Wherever He May Lead You

When we are called to do something by God, we must trust in Him. And we must do it. We must put aside our fears and doubts, our negativity and the negativity of others and trust in something greater than ourselves, no matter where this may lead.