27 Guys Share The Most Insane ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ Stories You’ve Ever Heard

12. Lied and told everyone at school that I raped her.

Invited herself to my house when my dog was getting put down. On the same day, when she could she attempted to have sex with me. I was obviously unhappy and turned her down.

I came to school after the weekend (my dog was put down on Saturday) and she had told everyone that I had forced myself on her and raped her.

Later on (a month or so later) she called me and told me to get back with her, “or else”. I told her I can’t get back with her so she said she’d kill herself if I didn’t. I didn’t say anything, and she downed 70 something pills of potassium. Had a friend call the ambulance, she survived, but wasn’t too healthy for a little while.

Oh yeah, I was 16-17 when all of this happened.

3/10, would not do again.

13. Broke into my house every day for about a month while I was at work.

Broke into my house every day for about a month while I was at work. Showered, cooked food, watched TV and then left before I got home.

I came home early one day and she was sitting on the couch watching TV. She very matter of factly said “oh I didn’t think you’d be home at this time”.

Asked how she got in – when we were dating I had lent her my keys once. She got one cut for herself without me knowing.

Of course after arguing we had wild sex. Crazy bitch sex can be fun. But that was the second last time ever.

14. Told anybody that would listen that I beat her.

Told anybody that would listen that I beat her. When people asked why she stayed with me she said that the sex was good. She told everyone that I beat her. When I started dating someone new, the new woman’s mother had even heard the rumor and told her daughter. It’s been a decade and I am still mad about it. I never once laid a hand on her.

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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