27 Guys Share The Most Insane ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ Stories You’ve Ever Heard

15. Left a voicemail on my phone of her having sex with her new boyfriend.

Left a voicemail on my phone of her having sex with her new boyfriend.

16. Called Child Protective Services on me, claiming I was abusing and neglecting my daughter.

Called Child Protective Services on me, claiming I was abusing and neglecting my daughter. Let me tell you, it’s pretty hurtful when someone shows up at your house accusing you or being a shitty dad. CPS saw how well I was doing with my daughter and how loving I was, so that case got thrown out.

Now, my ex just got arrested for stabbing a guy in the arm and is insisting I help bail her out.

17. She cut off contact with our 3-year-old developmentally challenged daughter.

She cut off contact with our 3-year-old daughter. She’s a developmentally challenged child who loves her mom but she doesn’t even take the time to call her or stop by to say hi to her. She lives less than 30 minutes away.

I’ve never been so pissed at something in my life. The last time she said she would watch her, I intentionally didn’t tell my daughter till we were walking out the door that we were going to see Mommy (didn’t want to get her hopes up). About 10 minutes into the drive, she calls and says she won’t be able to watch her.

My daughter doesn’t understand most things so I just stopped at an ice cream parlor nearby hoping she would forget about seeing mommy. I could tell she was crushed. Didn’t eat a bite. When we got back to the house she went straight to her room and went to bed. She’s usually the most bubbly person on the planet but she couldn’t even handle her Mom ditching her. I end up being the one getting blamed in her mind.

She stole thousands of dollars, ruined my professional and personal life and ruined our family financially and I could care less about any of it. But if you treat my daughter like a dog, there is nothing that is going to dissipate my anger.

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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