Leena Lomeli
Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.
This Is What Your Anxiety Is Trying To Tell You When You Are Alone
Think of the anxiety that you feel in your solitude as a reminder of your commitment to yourself.
In Order To Survive Your Life You Are Going To Have To Surrender To It
You have to let life happen to you while you’re still here to live it.
Love Is Not Always Convenient
Love is not always a steady pace at sea but love rides waves to shore.
This Is Your Reminder That The Right Guy Will Fight For You
The right guy will not bring you doubt and insecurity, he will give you a new definition of stability and consistency.
January 2019 Full Moon In Leo: Here’s To Moving Forward
Move. Don’t stop moving.
New Moon January 2019: It’s Time To Create Your New Life
Change is here and we have to focus forward.
Date Someone Who Never Stops Choosing You
Date someone who chooses you and never stops choosing you.
This Is Your Reminder That Everything Will Get Better
It’s no secret that the last few months of 2018 have really shook a lot of people. There has been an insane amount of natural disasters, death, and mourning for so many communities and so many individuals.
December 2018 New Moon In Sagittarius: Everything Will Get Better
Be present. Seek. Unravel. Accept. Forgive. Keep moving forward.
This Is Your Reminder That You Are Worth More Than Chasing Someone Else
You deserve a love that you don’t have to chase, a love that walks directly to you. A love that chooses you, over and over.
10 Definite Signs That You Are (Finally) Starting To Love Yourself
You don’t feel the need to respond to everything, you pick and choose your battles.
21 Things Being Unhappy Taught Me About Happiness
You are allowed to change as many times as you need. You are entitled to your own transformation.
12 Signs November’s Full Moon Is Still Affecting You
You are truly prioritizing your health and what you need in order to live your best life.
November 2018’s Full Moon In Gemini Will Help You Find Peace In Chaos
This full moon is calling you to tap into and befriend your patience, get familiar with the newest version of your reality by showing up to it with intention.
Date Someone Who Actually Pursues You
Date someone who is endlessly fascinated with you, who genuinely finds you interesting.
November’s New Moon In Scorpio Is All About Finding Your Place In This World
Now is the time that we move forward with grace as we transition into living in our own evolution.
October’s 2018 Full Moon In Taurus Tells You It’s Time To Move Forward With Peace
Not only are you being called to make peace with your present, but you are being called to bring peace with you as you move forward and endlessly evolve.
20 Signs You Are About To Have A Serious Breakthrough In Your 20s
You start to question all of your self-sabotaging behavior.