Leena Lomeli
Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.
Articles by
Leena Lomeli
I Became Happy When I Let Go Of These 11 Things
Happiness happens when you sit exactly where you are and you choose exactly what you let go of and what you hold on to.
8 Things You Deserve To Forgive Yourself For Doing In The Past
Forgive yourself for saying things that weren’t from the most honest and authentic parts of you.
7 Ways To Be A Better Friend To Your Partner
Check in with them about their day—daily.
This Is What Healthy Love Feels Like
It’s willing to grow without question.
Remember That Life Gives You Exactly What You’re Ready For
Remember that you are strong enough to handle everything being thrown your way.
Marry Someone That Never Stops Pursuing You
You deserve to feel seen. You deserve to feel heard and have all of your needs met.
23 Reminders For Anyone Struggling With Love Right Now
You are worthy of love, belonging, and a relationship with both even if you don’t think that you are right now.
Why You Can’t Be ‘Just Friends’ With Someone You Saw Forever With
You can’t accept fragments of something that you loved with the wholeness of yourself.