20 Signs You Are About To Have A Serious Breakthrough In Your 20s

Fall and spring are the seasons of breakthroughs. All things must fall and crumble before they can be reborn and blossom again. Here are 20 definite signs you are on the verge of a serious breakthrough in your twenties:

1. You start to question all of your self-sabotaging behavior.

2. You go through a spree of cutting people off who do not support, encourage, and benefit your life.

3. You start to question everything you’ve been taught growing up.

4. You see your toxic traits and behaviors for what they really are.

5. You begin to see a clearer picture of what you really want.

6. You start to connect with like-minded people a lot easier and a lot more.

7. You begin to understand the importance of gratitude.

8. You are the most calm you’ve been in your entire life.

9. You stop taking rejection personally and realize that not everyone is meant to be in your life.

10. You start to see situations and relationships for how they are, not just how you want them to be.

11. You know enough to know that you don’t know much.

12. You know what you have control over and what you don’t, and there’s peace with both.

13. You begin to understand your own needs and boundaries.

14. You get extremely picky with your company.

15. You see human error a lot more than ever before. You see that people are sick, traumatized, and respond based on their own bullshit — so you don’t take that to heart.

16. You start to understand your own power more.

17. You are quick to forgive and let go, but strong with whom you allow back into your space.

18. You search for your own meaning and purpose with everything in your life.

19. You stop doing things you know you don’t like doing and you start doing things that actually make you happy.

20. You actually start to like yourself and certain qualities that you have; you start to become more familiar with your worth. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Leena Lomeli

Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.