Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

11 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because Of Your High Functioning Anxiety

Anxiety doesn’t care about how happy we are or what is going on in our lives. It is always there. No matter what we do, no matter where we are, and no matter who we are with, it can happen at any moment. The fear. The shaking. The images that cross our mind at lightning speed. The panic. The twirling of our hair. The need for more oxygen. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Life Isn’t Meant To Be Easy, And If It Is, Then You’re Doing It Wrong

Success doesn’t come easily. Happiness doesn’t come easily. Loving your life doesn’t happen in a day, or in a year. That’s why life was meant to be a coin toss. To shake you around until you finally find your place. To show you that failure will one day lead you to your destiny. And to show you that hard work, the dirty and exhausting work you are doing right now, will one day be all worth it.

In 2017, I Am Done Getting My Heart Broken

I am done wearing myself down. I am done giving people my all, when I get nothing in return. I am done giving away my whole heart, when all I get back, is my soul torn to shreds.

Let 2017 Be The Year You Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Let 2017 be the year you surprise yourself. Let it be the year you put one step forward instead of taking three steps back. Let it be the year you sprint instead of stumble. And let it be the year you go for your goals instead of turning your head away from them. Let it be the year you get up off of your ass, and start putting your life back together.