Let 2017 Be The Year You Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself
Let 2017 be the year you surprise yourself. Let it be the year you put one step forward instead of taking three steps back. Let it be the year you sprint instead of stumble. And let it be the year you go for your goals instead of turning your head away from them. Let it…

Let 2017 be the year you finally accept what you have done, and come to terms with the fact that you will never be able to change that. Let it be the year you come to terms with everything that you haven’t done, and everything that you haven’t accomplished, and just let it be.
Let 2017 be the year you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘you know what? I need to do something about that‘. And instead of staring at yourself, wallowing in self pity about your rolls and the parts of yourself that you wish weren’t there, let it be the year you finally do something.
Let it be the year you start doing everything you said you were going to do years ago. Let it be the year you listen to your body, instead of feeding it with excess amount of fats and sugars. Let it be the year you change your mindset from, ‘one day’ to ‘now’.
Let 2017 be the year that you decide your life isn’t good enough, and the year that you decide that you want more. Because guess what, you deserve that life. You deserve the life you have always dreamed of living. You deserve the life that you never thought you could have.
But you don’t get any happier or more successful by just standing around and waiting for it.
So let 2017 be the year that you give yourself a push forward. Let it be the year you give yourself some tough love.
It’s hard to be pushed out of your comfort zone. It’s hard to go for a run when it’s raining or snowing outside. It’s hard to look for a better job, or to go on date after date trying to find your happily ever after.
But you aren’t going to get anywhere staying stagnant.
Let 2017 be the year you go. The year you leave the old you behind in the past. The year you put yourself first, instead of waiting for yourself to get better.
Let it be the year you stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start actually doing something about it.
Let 2017 be the year you surprise yourself. Let it be the year you put one step forward instead of taking three steps back. Let it be the year you sprint instead of stumble. And let it be the year you go for your goals instead of turning your head away from them. Let it be the year you get up off of your ass, and start putting your life back together.
Let 2017 be the year you run. Let it be the year you go forth. Let it be the year you do everything. Leave the walking and the stuttering behind. Leave your fear and self-hatred behind you, and let 2017 be the year you finally can be proud of yourself.
And let it be the year you can finally say, ‘My God, I did it. I actually did it’.