Lance Pauker

30 Facts That Sum Up 2013

2. This year, military experts deemed negative comments about Jennifer Lawrence the greatest internal threat to our country.

10 Things Guys Will Never Understand About Girls

Us males are a clueless, relatively embarrassing gender–particularly when it comes to interpreting female actions. Here are some trends–some recent, some timeless–that even the most competent male has a tough time figuring out:

The 101 Song Ultimate Mid-2000s Playlist

Now that it’s nearly a decade in our rearview, we’ve begun to get a glimpse of what’s got longevity; namely, what songs are really good at encapsulating the weird time that was the mid-2000s.

The 14 Types Of Single Guys You’ll Meet After College

I’ve spent a good portion of the past 18 months standing in overcrowded rooms, observing the various ways us guys fail to lock down girls. Here are a few of the wondrous eligible bachelors you’ll meet as a young professional: