John Alex Clark

John Alex Clark is a Relationship & Life Coach. He is the founder of the website Relationship Psychology.
Articles by
John Alex Clark
Why Being Single For A Long Time Is Actually A Good Thing
If you’ve been single for a long time, you’ll be skilled at being independent. This means you’re well used to doing things by yourself at this stage. It means you won’t be relying on your partner for every single thing you do.
How To Get A Guy’s Attention (It’s Not The Way You Think)
When we like/love someone, our natural inbuilt response is to try and get the attention of that person in order to create a gateway to bring them into our lives. You want the guy’s heart – not his eyes for a few moments.
If You’re Too Shy To Ask Them Out, Think About This
The pain of regret is WORSE than the pain of rejection. When you look at it like this, it should make what you need to do right now clearer.
This Is What To Do When Your Partner Is Annoying You
No matter who a person goes out with, there will always be some aspects of that other person that they don’t like.
Here’s Exactly What You Need To Do To Create Chemistry With Someone (Without Using Any Words)
It is a trick that I discovered myself. By pure accident. And it is capable of creating the type of chemistry between two people that will in time lead to love.
How To Make A Girl Think About You Non-Stop (And Fall In Love With You)
Sticking in a woman’s mind is a key way to making that woman fall in love with you. A woman can’t fall in love with you if she never thinks about you.
How To Know If It’s Time To Give Up On Him
If you are genuinely in two minds as to whether you should give up on a guy or not and not sure what to do, it’s important to understand the psychology of what is going on in your mind right now in order to make the right decision.
How To Know If Someone Is Thinking About (And Maybe Even Falling In Love With) You
Knowing if someone is thinking about you is important because it is the first step on the road to them falling in love with you.
How To Make Even The Most Skeptical Person Fall In Love With You
In order to make someone fall in love with you, you must give them positive motivation to want to be with you. At its simplest level this involves showing them your positive characteristics and traits so that they will be attracted to you.
Here’s How To Find Your One True Soulmate Without Fail
If you want a soulmate, you must feel an emotional connection to them that’s not based on trying to cover over or satisfy one single problem in your life.
How To Use Psychology To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work Long-term
Something as simple as an e-greeting card every now and then can help build the connection between you both in a long distance relationship.
Here’s How A Controlling Personality Will Ruin Your Relationship
In order to control someone in a relationship, you will inevitably have to criticize them. And nothing kills intimacy in a relationship quicker than criticism.
Inside The Mind Of A Serial Cheater (And The Truth About Whether Or Not They Can Change)
Often you’ll hear people say that the woman must have done something to cause him to cheat or that she wasn’t satisfying his needs etc etc. And while this is true in some cases, when in comes to serial cheaters – the problem lies squarely with the offender, not the victim.
Here’s Why Some People Just Can’t Resist Rebound Relationships
Some people enter relationships not because they love the other person, but instead do so just to escape from some element of their life that’s bothering them.
The Truth About How Long Love Actually Lasts
Underneath it all, love is actually made up of different components.
The Reality Behind Flirting With Other People (When You’re Married)
Everyone likes to be reminded of his or her good features and flirting can be a means of achieving this.
The Brutal Truth About Why An Affair Will Never Work Out
Sex with married women can seem exciting, dramatic and more intense than with someone that’s single. However with what appears to be an upside there is an equal and opposite down side – damage to your self worth.
How To Get Your Ex Back By Staying Close To Their Friends And Family
If you have been on good terms with her family, say her mom or her brother, ring them up and say goodbye. You’ll want to come across as caring and genuine as possible during this phone call.