Jessica Winters
Articles by
Jessica Winters
14 Ways To Tell The Difference Between A Good Guy And A Fuckboy
“One makes you feel special; the other makes you feel used.”
25 People Reveal The Best Way To Move On After A Heartbreak
“Be willing to accept the pain and feel it. Denying it will only prolong getting to a point you can heal. Don’t rush it. There is no point because it will sneak up and ruin the future. Allow as much time as needed. And do not let anyone tell you how long it should take. Everyone feels things different. Take all the time you need.”
25 People Describe What They Love The Most About Their Bestie
“You always, always, always push me to be a better person in every way.”
35 People On Whether It’s Ever A Good Idea To Be Friends With Your Ex
“It depends. I’m pretty chill with most my exes. Expect for the crazy, idiotic, nutjob asshole that I would throw peanuts at if he was drowning at that moment.”
If You Do These 30 Little Things Every Day, You’ll Be Happier And Healthier In A Month
“Walk. Find something cool or useful that’s about a mile away, and go there every day. Should take you 20 minutes each way.”
This Is What It Actually Means To Be An Independent Woman
It means that if your path is filled with roadblocks, you either drive through them or find another road.
20 Women Share Their Horrifying #MeToo Story Of Being Sexually Assaulted
“The most frustrating thought I keep having with this is, those men who did it to me probably didn’t think they did anything wrong.”
20 Men Share Their Horrifying #MeToo Story Of Being Sexually Assaulted
“My innocence was lost to a female cousin who was responsible for babysitting and protecting me.”
19 Things That Guys Desperately Wish Women Understood About Men
“We hurt, too. We want to be told nice things, too.”
27 Easy And Surprisingly Effective Weight Loss Tips
“Don’t drink your calories. Want a glass of orange juice? Choose water. Want a pop? Choose water.”
30 Men Recall The Moment They Decided To Divorce Their Wife
“When she backhanded me in the mouth until I lost consciousness.”
30 Men Recall The Moment They Decided To Marry Their Wife
“When she spent two hours helping me find my keys in a dumpster.”
7 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Introverts
In general, introverts are not afraid of interacting with others; they simply prefer to spend time alone.
17 People Explain Why They Choose To Stay Single
“There are a lot of things I want to do in my life, and they don’t require a partner.”
27 Things Parents Do To Their Kids That Mess With Their Heads Into Adulthood
“Badmouthing the other parent. I understand you might lose your sh*t during a divorce, but keep your kids out of it.”
18 Priceless Tips About How To Have A Happy Marriage (From 18 Happily Married Guys)
“Don’t marry a woman because you think you can spend the rest of your life with her…marry a woman because you think you can’t spend the rest of your life without her.”
12 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Anxiety Disorders
An estimated 40 million American adults suffer from some form of anxiety disorder—even more than those who suffer from depression.
26 Truths About Who You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Born to be different: Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer, Sagittarius