Charlie Shaw
21 Signs You’re Dating A Man Child
If your dude is a man child, then he’ll have grand ambitions, ambitions he mentions, sporadically and vaguely, while smoking a joint. And ambitions he has never once acted on.
29 People Share Their Funniest Fake ID Stories
I worked in a steak restaurant and my co worker lost her ID at the bar next door one night after work, one week later a girl came in and tried to order a drink from the bartender using my co workers ID. Busted!
52 More People On The Craziest Thing To Happen To Them At Work
Our company had a little person working in the head office.
She got fired because she hid inside a paper recycle bin and scared some employees.
60 People Share The Shortest, Funniest Joke They Know
“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
45 People On The Freakiest Thing They’ve Seen That No One Believes Them About
Bill Murray stole $20 from me. Not in the sense that I saw a bad movie of his and decided he owed me for my time and money spent, but that he actually grabbed a $20 bill from my hand, put it in his pocket, said the words “no change” and went on his merry way.
31 People Describe Insane Moments Of Cheapness That They Have Witnessed
Sister in law only bought a windshield wiper for the driver’s side.
48 People Share The Darkest, Most Mind-Blowing Secret They Know About Someone But Can Never Tell, Until Now
I know a girl who is living in Oregon waiting for her stepfather to get out of jail so that they can get married. He’s in jail for having a relationship with a minor (her).
64 People On Their One, Painfully Weird Habit They Dread Having To Explain
I absolutely need to control the wireless router. Try to make this a criteria when looking for a room. I also talk to myself using radio procedure. “Alpha six Charlie, be advised, sandwich is coming up, ETA four mikes. Copy that alpha six bravo; we’re waiting for it. Over.”
30 Insane Unsolved Mysteries (With Video Footage) That Will Keep You Up At Night
This video. The spectre lunges towards the camera at the bottom right, but makes a sudden direction change, disregarding the impulse that a physical object would have.
41 People Reveal The Creepiest, Freakiest Fact They Know
The United States government said that they were testing smoke screens in St. Louis to protect against Soviet aerial attacks in the 1950s. They were actually spraying citizens with radioactive particles to study the effects.
48 Guys Reveal The One Misconception About Men That They’d Really Like Cleared Up
Sometimes I’m scared to go get stuff from the attic, spiders are terrifying. But I do it anyways.
46 More People On The Celebrities They Grew Up With And What They Were Like Back Then
Katherine Heigl was a real bitch in High School. She would walk around like a little diva and all the teachers hated her (she was about 2 years into film career). One of the best stories is when her manager accompanied her into a class asking for less homework and less work and the teacher apparently just lost it.
41 People On The Greatest Halloween Costume Ideas Of All Time
Well, I’m a ginger with a goatee and a receding hairline. Thinking maybe I’ll just buzz my hair down the middle, wear a black t-shirt and be Louis C.K.
42 People Share Their Brilliant Food Combinations You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
A breakfast sandwich with eggs and jelly is awesome. And meatballs slow cooked with jelly and ketchup is also really good. JUST TRUST ME, I KNOW KARATE.
47 Teachers And Students On The Weirdest, Most WTF Things To Happen In High School
This kid I knew had no legs because his parents were agent orange victims in Vietnam. During the beginning of the school year he would find groups of confused young freshmen, and “fall” out of his wheelchair at them only to scream “I have no legs.”
The 34 Greatest Riddles Of All Time
Fatherless, motherless and born without skin, I speak when I come into the world, but never speak again. What am I?
43 Parents Reveal The One Secret That Could Ruin Their Child’s Life
I’m fairly sure my son and daughter are having sex with each other.
31 People On Their Biggest Sex Regrets
Bill Murray, because who would believe me?